Information No. 5 of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology, March 27, 2020.
Information on conducting material assistance services during suspension of classes at the university caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus threat.
In relation to the decision to suspend classes at Lodz University of Technology and in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 24 March 2020 amending the Regulation on the announcement of the state of the epidemic in the territory of the Republic of Poland and introducing restrictions on the movement of people, I am introducing on 27 March 2020 until further notice the following changes to the procedure for applying by students and PhD students for the financial aid:
1. Students/PhD students applying for a maintenance grant, allowance and scholarship for disabled people should submit appropriate applications only by:
a) sending legible scans or photos of the original printed, completed and signed application, as well as scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, declarations, etc.) as attachments to the e-mail sent from the individual account in TUL’s electronic mail system and addressed to res@adm.p.lodz.pl or rss@adm.p.lodz.pl, and then
immediate sending to via Polish Post a package containing the originals of the abovementioned documents to the address: Benefits Service Section, 116 Zeromskiego St., 90-924 Lodz.
b) sending to the electronic inbox of Lodz University of Technology on the ePUAP platform: /PolitLodz/SkrytkaESP signed with an electronic signature (signature confirmed by a trusted profile or qualified certificate) of a file (or each of the files) containing a scan or photo of the original of the completed and signed application and scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, statements, etc.)
c) signing a file (or each of the files) containing a scan or photo of the original of the completed and signed application, as well as scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, statements, etc.) with the electronic signature of the trusted profile submitted using the tool available on the website: https://my.gov/services/signer/upload?xFormsAppName=Signer
and then sending the files generated in this way (.xml file format) as attachments to the e-mail sent from an individual account in TUL’s electronic mail system and sent to the address res@adm.p.lodz.pl or rss@adm.p.lodz.pl
2. Students/PhD students applying for a rector's scholarship should submit applications between March 14 and April 24, 2020 only through:
a) sending legible scans or photos of the original printed, completed and signed application and scans of all required documents (attestations, statements, etc.) as attachments to the e-mail sent from the individual account in TUL’s electronic mail system to res@adm.p.lodz.pl or rss@adm.p.lodz.pl and then immediately sending via Polish Post a package containing the originals of the abovementioned documents to: Benefits Service Section, 116 Zeromskiego St., 90-924 Lodz
b) sending to the electronic inbox of the Lodz University of Technology on the ePUAP platform: /PolitLodz/SkrytkaESP signed with an electronic signature (signature confirmed by a trusted profile or qualified certificate) of a file (or each of the files) containing a scan or photo of the original of the completed and signed application and scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, statements, etc.)
c) signing a file (or each of the files) containing a scan or photo of the original of the completed and signed application and scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, statements, etc.) with the electronic signature of the trusted profile submitted using the tool available at: https://moj.gov.pl/uslugi/signer/upload?xFormsAppName=SIGNER
and then sending the files generated in this way (.xml file format) as attachments to the e-mail sent from an individual account in TUL’s electronic mail system to the address res@adm.p.lodz.pl or rss@adm.p.lodz.pl.
3. Students/PhD students who want to settle matters related to health insurance should submit forms only by:
a) sending legible scans or photos of printed, completed and signed original ZUS (Social Insurance Institution) form with a declaration as attachments to the e-mail sent from the individual account in TUL’s electronic mail system and addressed to res@adm.p.lodz.pl or rss@adm.p.lodz.pl
b) sending via Polish Post a package containing the originals of the abovementioned documents to the address: Benefits Service Section, 116 Zeromskiego St., 90-924 Lodz.
In some cases to complete or clarify the details of the documentation a student/PhD student may be asked via e-mail or phone to appear in person in TUL’s Benefits Service Section on 116 Zeromskiego St. in Lodz, building A-33, entrance E, 4th floor.
Information in the abovementioned matters can be obtained by e-mail: res@adm.p.lodz.pl or rss@adm.p.lodz.pl
or by phone:
(42) 631 20 88; (42) 631 20 80; (42) 631 20 33
This information completely replaces the regulations set out in Information No. 1 of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology published on March 12, 2020.
Professor Witold Pawłowski Ph.D., D.Sc
TUL’s Vice-Rector for Student Affairs
Deputy Head of Anti-Crisis Staff
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ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-30 08:15:51