
Lodz University of Technology invites academic and administrative staff to participate in the staff mobility program for teaching or training within the framework of the Erasmus+ program.

  1. Contact Your International Office: Reach out to your institution’s International Office to express your interest and discuss the possibility of mobility.
  2. Contact TUL’s Welcome Point: Send an email to to inquire about the possibility of performing your mobility at TUL. Our Welcome Point will explore mobility opportunities for you and provide feedback via email. If approved, an invitation letter will be issued.
  3. Prepare a Mobility Agreement Proposal: Collaborate with your institution’s Erasmus+ Coordinator to create a proposal for a Mobility Agreement. This document outlines visit details, including objectives, duration, and activities.
  4. Submit the Agreement: Once the Mobility Agreement is signed by your institution’s Erasmus+ Coordinator, send it to
  5. Prepare for Your Visit: If both sides approve, our Welcome Point will continue communication to finalize details and create a program for your visit.

Explore staff mobility and experience Lodz University of Technology firsthand!

09-07-2024 - 10:15


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