How can I submit a proposal for cooperation with a new university under the Erasmus + programme?

If the TUL Unit cooperates with a university located in a Partner Country and would like to develop cooperation through student and employee mobility, it should submit a proposal to the International Educational Projects Section of the CWM to include the selected university in the next application submitted by TUL.

Can I receive funding for a non-competition mobility?

In addition to the funds allocated for financing mobility, universities conducting student or staff exchanges receive a grant from the Erasmus+ programme for the so-called organisational support of mobility. The funds allocated for organisational support of mobility may be used for activities related to exchange promotion, language preparation of outgoing or incomingpersons as well as activities related to monitoring and supporting participants during the mobility period.

What accreditations does TUL apply for?

Lodz University of Technology has submitted 18 applications as part of the non-competition project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education "Foreign Accreditations" of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, co-financed by the European Social Fund. All of them have qualified for funding. Currently, the University is applying for EUR-ACE® Label accreditation in 11 fields of study at I and II cycle studies and American ABET accreditation in 4 programmes run in English.

What programs and funds can I benefit from as a TUL employee?

The Erasmus+ programme  - is the largest programme of the European Union in the field of education, training, youth and sport implemented in the years 2014-2020 with a total budget of EUR 14.7 billion. NAWA programmes - NAWA programmes support international academic exchange and the process of internationalisation of Polish universities and scientific institutions, dissemination of information about the Polish system of higher education and science as well as popularisation of the Polish language outside Poland.

What is the structure of the TUL International Cooperation Centre?

The International Cooperation Centre is divided into 2 smaller Centres: IFE – the International Faculty of Engineering – an inter-departmental unit of Lodz University of Technology providing education in foreign languages as part of studies conducted by TUL and International Cooperation Service Centre COWM – deals with the administrative area: mobility of staff and students, educational projects, accreditations and international rankings as well as promotion of TUL abroad.