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2020-04-24 09:04:55

From Monday, 27 April, 2020, the park part of TUL campus B will be available for strollers. Below you can find the Announcement of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology regarding access to the park part of the B campus for strollers from April 27, 2020:


Dear Sirs,

To meet the expectations of the inhabitants of Łódź, especially those living around the campuses of Lodz University of Technology, we decided to make available - for recreational purposes - a part of our campus B, in which the Klepacz Park is located. Because this park is an integral part of the built-up area of ​​the campus, we kindly ask the users of the park not to move towards the zone of buildings located south of the park.

Klepacz Park will be open to strollers every day from 10 am to 6 pm, starting from Monday, 27 April, 2020. The park will be accessible through two gates: from the corner of Skorupki / Wólczańska Streets and from Politechniki Ave. near to the footbridge.


Professor Sławomir Wiak

Rector of Lodz University of Technology

ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-24 09:11:28


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2020-04-21 03:24:52

Information No. 6 of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology of April 20, 2020

on awarding hardship grants to students/doctoral students or members of their families in the same household due to a complete or partial loss of a source of income by students/doctoral students or members of their families in the same household, caused by restrictions on business operations of employers linked to the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

Pursuant to the Act of April 16, 2020 on relief measures due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 695), I hereby inform you as follows:

1.  Beginning on April 18, 2020, and until the end of the period of limited or suspended operation of the university as specified by the minister competent for higher education and research, a student/doctoral student may apply for a hardship grant due to a complete or partial loss of a source of income by the student/doctoral student or a member of his/her family in the same household, caused by restrictions on business operations of employers linked to the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

2. In the said period, the limit imposed on students/doctoral students to make a maximum of two claims for a hardship grant in an academic year shall not apply.

3. The amount of the hardship grant which a student/doctoral student may receive due to a complete or partial loss of a source of income caused by restrictions on business operations of employers linked to the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus depends on the individual and well documented situation of the applicant, with the cap amount 1000zł.

4. A student/doctoral student shall submit an application for a hardship grant due to a complete or partial loss of a source of income to the Rector through the Sekcja Obsługi Świadczeń PŁ. Enclosed with the application form shall be a document issued by the employer confirming a reduction or loss of remuneration for the student/doctoral student or a member of his/her family in the same household caused by restrictions on business operations of employers linked to the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

5. Students/doctoral students applying for a hardship grant shall submit their applications only by:

  • signing the file (or each of the files) containing  a scan or a photo of the original filled out and signed application and scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, representations, etc.) with a Trusted Profile using the tool available at:
    and next, sending thus generated XML files attached to an e-mail message from an individual email account in the TUL electronic mail system to or


  • sending legible scans or photographs of the original paper copy of a filled out, and signed application along with scans or photographs of all required documents (certificates, declarations, etc.) attached to an e-mail message from an individual e-mail account in the TUL electronic mail system to or, followed by posting with Poczta Polska without undue delay a letter with the originals of the said documents addressed to: Sekcja Obsługi Świadczeń PŁ, ul. Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Łódź


  • sending to the ePUAP electronic inbox of Lodz University of Technology: /PolitLodz/SkrytkaESP a file (or files) with scans or photos of the original filled out and signed application and scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, declarations, etc.) signed with a qualified electronic signature or a Trusted Profile. 

6. In specific situations, a student/PhD student may be requested by e-mail or by telephone to appear in person at the Sekcja Obsługi Świadczeń PŁ ul. Żeromskiego 116 in Łódź, Building A-33, Entrance E, 4th floor, in order to provide or explain details of the documentation. Information on the above matters can be obtained by e-mail: and, and by phone: (42) 631 20 88; (42) 631 20 80; (42) 631 20 337. 

7. In the period of limited or suspended operation of the university, hardship grants are awarded by the Rector.  The provisions of the Code of Administrative Proceedings shall not apply. Complete applications are processed on an ongoing basis.

8. Applying for the hardship grant specified in Point 1 shall not preclude the possibility to apply for hardship grants due to other circumstances, under procedures previously established. Applying for a bursary due to an aggravated financial situation resulting from a complete loss of income by a student/doctoral student or a member of his/her family in the same household shall proceed based on the procedures currently in effect.


Click HERE and download the application form.


Dr hab. inż. Witold Pawłowski, prof. PŁ
Vice Rector for Student Affairs
Deputy Head of the Crisis Management Center

ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-21 03:30:44


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2020-04-17 08:17:22

Basics of new normality - the most important permanent safety principles

The government's first and foremost concern is to further protect its citizens, which is why all of us will have to obbey unchanging security rules. They must become the basis of a new normality. These are:

  • maintaining a 2-meter distance from others in public space,
  • mandatory covering of the nose and mouth in public places,
  • maintaining distance work and distance education wherever possible,
  • strict compliance with sanitary rules in places where people are gathered (disinfection and maintaining a proper distance),
  • quarantine and isolation for infected or potentially infected persons.

Four stages of lifting restrictions

The first limited safety rules will take effect from Monday, 20 April, 2020. The dates of entry into force of the remaining stages will be determined on an ongoing basis based on the dynamics of new cases.


Economic activity - new rules in trade and services

From Monday, 20 April, more people will gather in the shop at one time:

  • stores with an area of ​​less than 100 m2 will enter a maximum of as many people as the number of all cash registers or payment points multiplied by 4
  • in stores with an area of ​​more than 100 m2, there must be at least 15 m2 of space per 1 person

Social life - open forests, recreation, older youth on the streets without adults

  • Movement for recreation

It will also be allowed to move for recreational purposes. What does it mean? From April 20 you will be able to enter the forests and parks, as well as run or ride a bike - if your mental condition depends on it. Remember, however, that you can stay outside only if you keep social distance and cover your face!
Attention! Playgrounds are still closed!

  • Religious worship - 1 person per 15 m2

The number of people who will be able to attend mass or other religious rite will depend on the area of ​​the temple. In the church, there will have to be at least 15 m2 of space for 1 person.

  • People over 13 years old on the street without adult supervision

Older people who are at least 13 years old will be able to move without adult supervision. However, they will need to keep a proper 2-meter distance from others and cover their mouth and nose.

Gradual removal of restrictions - subsequent dates determined after the analysis

The Ministry of Health will carry out weekly evaluation of changes that occur in security principles. The transition to further stages of removing the restrictions will depend on:

  • increase in the number of cases (including the number of people in a severe condition),
  • the efficiency of health care (especially in unidentified hospitals),
  • implementation of sanitary guidelines by responsible entities.

This means that we will be able to both speed up the introduction of newchanges, loosening and slow down changes!

What are the next planned stages of removing the restrictions?


Economic activity:

  • Opening of construction stores on weekends
  • Opening of hotels and other restricted places

Social life

  • Opening of some cultural institutions: libraries, museums and art galleries


Economic activity:

  • Opening of hairdressers and beauticians
  • Opening stores in shopping malls with significant restrictions
  • Gastronomy - enabling stationary activities with restrictions

Social life:

  • Sport events up to 50 people (in an open space, without audience participation)
  • Organization of childcare in nurseries, kindergartens and school classes 1-3 - set max. number of children in the room.


Economic activity:

  • Opening of massage parlors and solariums
  • Enable gym and fitness club activities

Social life:

  • Theaters and cinemas in the new sanitary regime

The next stages of returning to normality will be introduced gradually when the incidence increase in our country is low. This does not mean, however, that we should give up social discipline and comply with applicable restrictions. Let us remember that it depends on us how soon the next stages of returning to the new reality will be introduced!



ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-17 08:31:22


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2020-04-09 02:13:05

Exams in June at the earliest

The final exams at schools will be postponed. They will take place at the earliest in June. However, government will inform about specific dates at least 3 weeks before the exam date.

In addition, all schools remain closed until Sunday, April 26. Until then, as before, institutions are required to provide distance learning.

Covering the mouth and nose is mandatory from 16 April

From Thursday, April 16, 2020, there's an obligation to cover the mouth and nose. Everyone in a public place will have to wear a mask, scarf or handkerchief that covers both the mouth and nose. The obligation applies to everyone who is on the streets, in offices, shops or places where services are provided and workplaces.

Until Sunday, April 19, 2020, the following still apply:

  • restrictions on movement;
  • a ban on going to the street of minors without adult supervision;
  • restrictions on religious events - a maximum of 5 people can stay in churches. The rule also applies on Easter nights!
  • restrictions on the operation of shopping malls and large-format construction stores;
  • rules for using public transport and cars larger than 9 cars;
  • suspension of hairdressing, cosmetics, tattooing, etc .;
  • no use of parks, forests, beaches, boulevards, promenades and city bikes;
  • restaurants closure;
  • restrictions on the number of people in stores, at markets and at the post office;
  • restrictions on the activities of cultural institutions (in cinemas, theaters, etc.).

Until Sunday, April 26, the following applies:

  • closing of schools and universities;
  • kindergartens and nurseries;
  • closure of passenger air traffic;
  • closing of international rail traffic.

Until Sunday, May 3, the following applies:

  • closing of borders (the right to cross the Polish border is still held by, among others, Polish citizens, foreigners who are spouses or children of Polish citizens, persons who have the right of permanent or temporary residence in Poland or a work permit);
  • mandatory quarantine for persons crossing the border with Poland.

Until further notice:

  • restrictions on the organization of mass events and gatherings.



ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-18 01:04:29


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2020-04-09 02:03:16

Announcement No. 6/2020 of Rector of TUL of 9 April 2020 issued on the basis of Regulation No. 21/2020 of Rector of TUL of 9 March 2020 on specific measures related to prevention, counteraction and combaatting SARS-CoV-2 virus


1. The time limit for the suspension of teaching classes from 12 March 2020 to 14 April 2020, as indicated in point 1 of the Announcement No. 1/2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 11 March 2020 issued on the basis of the Ordinance No. 21/2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 9 March 2020 on special measures related to preventing, counteracting and combatting COVID-19 at Lodz University of Technology, is extended to 15 May 2020.

2. All previous decisions contained in the Announcements of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology issued on the basis of Ordinance No. 21/2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology o of 9 March 2020 on measures for prevention, counteracting and combatting SARS-CoV-2 at Lodz University of Technology remain in force.

3. All imposed restrictions and regulations contained in the announcements and information of the Vice-Rector for Education, the Vice-Rector for Students’ Affairs and the Crisis Management Centre at remain in force.

4. The announcement enters into force on 9 April 2020 and shall apply from 15 April 2020 to 15 May 2020.


Professor Sławomir Wiak Ph.D., D.Sc.
Rector of TUL

ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-09 02:06:41


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2020-04-07 04:13:59

Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education on the extension of restricting the functioning of the University of 7 April 2020.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

In accordance with Ordinance 21/2020 of 9 March 2020 and 22/2020 of 11 March 2020 and Announcements 1/2020 of 11 March 2020 and 2/2020 of 13 March 2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology, the suspension of direct teaching and restrictions on the functioning of the university are valid and binding until 14 April 2020.

At present, by virtue of the law, the minister responsible for higher education and science is competent to temporarily restrict the functioning of universities in Poland. In view of the course of the epidemic, the decision is expected in the coming days which will extend the current period of restrictions on the functioning of universities.

It is anticipated that after 14 April 2020 all restrictions and regulations specified in the above mentioned Ordinances and Announcements of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology, Announcements and Information of the Vice-Rector for Education, the Vice-Rector for Students’ Affairs and the Crisis Management Centre of TUL will continue to apply.

This refers in particular to conducting education using distance learning techniques and methods, handling student and doctoral matters, handling material assistance for students and doctoral students, accommodation in TUL Student Dormitories and detailed regulations regarding the provision of work by employees as well as the principles of communication and functioning of the university campus.

The scope of restrictions and regulations indicated above, and also their duration being dependent on the decision of the minister responsible for higher education and science, will be confirmed by an appropriate communication from the Rector of Lodz University of Technology.


Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, DSc, PhD, MSc,
Vice Rector for Education
Head of the TUL Crisis Management Centre


ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-07 04:16:00


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2020-04-04 03:47:18

Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education regarding the implementation of compulsory student internships in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 virus threat of April 3, 2020.

Further to the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education on the implementation of mandatory student internships in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 virus threat of 1 April 2020, I would like to inform you that due to the announced state of the epidemic and restrictions imposed on the activities of many companies, mandatory student internships of the students of Lodz University of Technology taking place in the summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020 may be suspended  based on individual or group referrals before the end of the internship period specified in the agreements. Suspension and the process of settling the period of the completed internship will be carried out according to the following rules:

1. Students currently participating in internships on the basis of a referral from the University may at any time decide to suspend them or to continue them, according to the possibility of their further implementation in the company, primarily taking into account safety issues.

2. In the case of a decision to suspend the internship, the student is obliged to immediately send an e-mail from the university IT system e-mail account to the address of the relevant internship supervisor, statements on suspension of the internship together with justification and confirmation from the company that this is in consultation with the internship supervisor on the part of the company.

3.In addition, the student is required to submit to the appropriate internship supervisor a report on the course of the completed part of the internship and information about the planned continuation of the suspended internship (agreed and confirmed by the supervisor on the part of the company). The report is necessary to credit the completed part of the internship.

4.If it is impossible to attach documents confirming their implementation to the internship report, the student should inform the relevant internship supervisor about this fact. Confirmation that the current part of the internship has been completed may be presented by the student at a later date.

5. In the absence of the possibility of continuing the internship in the current enterprise, the student is obliged to inform the proper internship supervisor about this fact and, if possible, present a plan for the implementation of the remaining part of the internship.

6. The decision to credit the previously completed part of the internship is made by the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, based on the opinion of the internship supervisor submitted by the student, a report compliant with the requirements and documents confirming the internship. Obtained learning outcomes during the internship must be consistent with the assumed learning outcomes contained in the internship syllabus.

7. The Vice-Dean for Student Affairs may decide to recognize the current internship as guaranteeing the achievement of all learning outcomes assumed for the placement.

8. In the case of crediting the internship in part, the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, after consulting the head of the relevant Study Field Council, will determine the method of supplementing the missing learning outcomes resulting from the internship syllabus.

9.  Should it be impossible for students of the last semester of studies to complete the internship in the summer semester, the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs may decide to shorten the duration of the internship and determine an alternative way of achieving the missing learning outcomes assumed for the internship (e.g. by conducting classes in form of exercises, laboratories, workshops, using methods and techniques of distance learning or at the University after the period of restrictions).

10. If, during the period of an epidemic, it will not be possible to continue the commenced and on-going internship on the basis of an agreement between the university and the employer, the achievement by the student of the learning outcomes envisaged for the internship through the use of distance learning methods and techniques may be realized after the end of the period of suspension of direct education, but not longer than until the end of the summer examination session.

11. Internships implemented by students under civil-law contracts or internship contracts may also be suspended and settled according to the principles presented, but the student is responsible for regulating relations arising from these contracts with the enterprise.

12. In matters related to the implementation and settlement of internships, the exchange of information shall take place by telephone or e-mail. All documents regarding internships, during the suspension of direct education at the University, are sent only electronically.



Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, DSc, PhD, MSc, 

Vice Rector for Education 

Head of the TUL Crisis Management Centre

ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-04 03:54:29


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2020-04-03 08:30:39

Completion of the Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education on the principles of organizing diploma exams with the use of distance learning methods and techniques, of 2 April 2020.

In addition to the Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education on the principles of organizing diploma exams with the use of distance learning methods and techniques, of 2 April 2020, we would like to inform you that two functionalities supporting the preparation of documents submitted by students applying for a diploma exam with the use of distance learning methods and techniques have been made available in the "Panel Dyplomanta". These are:

1. Application for a diploma examination and taking the examination using distance learning methods and techniques.

2. A statement of the graduate student (2nd degree studies) in which the student undertakes not to use his/her student ID card after defending his/her diploma thesis and passing the diploma examination.

Those interested in taking the diploma examination in this way should use the above mentioned new templates.


Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, DSc, PhD, MSc,
Vice Rector for Education
Head of the TUL Crisis Management Centre

Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education on the rules for organising diploma examinations using distance learning methods and techniques of 2 April 2020.

In view of the prolonged state of the epidemic and the restriction of direct education at the Lodz University of Technology, the possibility of conducting diploma examinations using distance learning methods and techniques only upon a justified request of the student concerned and in agreement with the student is introduced for the period of suspension of direct education.

The examination can be conducted in this form only with the use of the Teams cloud tool from the MS Office 365 package of the Lodz University of Technology and with the use of official and student accounts of the Lodz University of Technology system. The diploma examination conducted in this form should be carried out according to the following procedure:

1. A student applying for a diploma examination using distance learning methods and techniques shall submit an application for admission to the examination containing a request to conduct a diploma examination in this form to the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, competent for that student, through the supervisor of the diploma paper. In the application submitted, the student should unequivocally confirm that he/she has access to a computer equipped with a microphone and a camera, connected to fast, fixed-line Internet and access to the Teams service of the Lodz University of Technology and declare his/her familiarity with using this service. A necessary condition for examining such an application and deciding on admission to the diploma examination is the fulfilment of all the conditions specified in the Study Regulations of the Lodz University of Technology.

2. The application referred to in section 1 is submitted by the student to the supervisor. After filling in the appropriate fields, the supervisor signs the application and passes the scan to the appropriate Dean's office. A designated employee of the Dean's Office, after verifying the documents, passes them on to the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs. If the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs agrees to conduct the diploma examination using distance learning methods and techniques, he or she sets a date for the diploma examination, which may take place provided that the review of the diploma paper prepared by the designated reviewer is positive and is passed on to the student and all members of the Diploma Examination Committee at least two days before the set date for the diploma examination. The Vice-Dean for Student Affairs shall forward a signed application to the appropriate Dean's Office.

3. A designated employee of the Dean's Office responsible for the student prepares the necessary documents or scans thereof and submits them to the Chairperson of the Diploma Examination Committee.

4. On the day of the examination, the Chairman of the Diploma Examination Committee organizes a group conversation ("chat") via the Teams tool and calls the members of the Diploma Examination Committee and the student taking the examination together. It is prohibited to register the course of the Diploma Examination, both in the service through the Teams tool and by other technical means. The Chairperson of the Commission blocks the possibility of registering a session of the Diploma Examination in the Teams service.

5. During the examination, the cameras and microphones of all persons participating in the examination (the student and three members of the Commission) must be switched on. The student makes the entire desktop of his computer available to the members of the Committee. The shared desktop should contain only the presentation of the diploma thesis covering at least 90% of the screen area. During the whole examination, only the presentation of the thesis and any applications related to it may be displayed on the student's computer desktop. It is not allowed for the student to run applications during the examination to facilitate answers to questions. The desktop displayed during the presentation should be the only screen available to the student during the examination. The student who takes the exam should sit in front of the camera so that his or her face covers at least 40% of the area covered by the camera. He should also look towards the screen at all times during the exam.

6. The diploma examination is conducted under the provisions of § 41 of the Study Regulations of the Lodz University of Technology, with the Chairman of the Diploma Examination Committee being obliged to prepare a protocol of the diploma examination. The protocol shall record the remote examination procedure. If the student's answers during the examination require a written form, it is written down by the student on a piece of paper and presented to the camera.

7. After all the stipulated parts of the diploma examination are completed, the student is disconnected. The committee determines the grade for the diploma paper, the grade for the diploma examination and, in the case of a positive result, the final result of the studies.

8. After reconnecting the student, the Chairperson of the Diploma Examination Committee announces the evaluation of the diploma paper and the result of the diploma examination as determined by the Committee. In the event of a positive result of the diploma examination, the Chairperson of the Examination Committee shall announce the result of the studies and announce the decision to award the appropriate degree.

9. The scan of the prepared protocol is sent electronically by the Chairperson of the Diploma Examination Committee to the selected member of the Committee, who after signing scans the document again and sends it to the next member. The signing procedure is repeated and the scan with signatures of all members is sent to the Chairperson, who after signing sends the scanned document again to the relevant Dean's Office. The members of the Commission shall send the originals of the printed and signed partial protocols to the Dean's Office to be stored in the student's file after the end of the restrictions in the functioning of the University.

10. In the case of diploma examinations concluding second-cycle studies, the condition for the consent of the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs to conduct a diploma examination using the methods and techniques of distance learning is the submission of a statement by the student applying for such an examination, together with an application for admission to the diploma examination, in which the student undertakes not to use his/her student ID card upon defending his/her diploma paper and passing the examination. The Student's ID card must be sent by registered mail to the Dean's Office, appropriate for his/her program of study, immediately after the diploma examination.

According to the announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education of 27 March 2020, until further notice, the only form of document transfer in the described graduation process is by electronic means.


Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, DSc, PhD, MSc,
Vice Rector for Education
Head of the TUL Crisis Management Centre


ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-07 10:16:28


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2020-04-02 08:34:50

Announcement No. 5/2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology, March 31, 2020.

The announcement issued on the basis of Ordinance No. 21/2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology from 9 March 2020 regarding specific solutions related to the prevention and eradication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus at Lodz University of Technology.

1. In connection with the prevailing epidemic threat caused by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, I would like to inform you that residents of the Academic Residential Estate of Lodz University of Technology who have already left or will be leaving the dormitories in the near future cannot return to them until further notice.

2. Residents of Academic Residential Estate of Lodz University of Technology will be notified via the University's information channels about the resumption of accommodation in dormitories.

3. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in instituting disciplinary proceedings.

4. The communication shall enter into force on 31 March 2020.


prof. Sławomir Wiak

Rector of Lodz University of Technology

ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-02 08:43:02


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2020-03-31 04:23:23

Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education of the Lodz University of Technology on access to distance learning for exchange students in the summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020 of 31 March 2020

1. The announcement includes all groups of students registered for exchange in the summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020, in particular:

1.1. students of the Lodz University of Technology registered as exchange students who have returned to Poland or plan to return to Poland in the near future and participate or want to participate in online activities organized at the Lodz University of Technology;

1.2. students of the Lodz University of Technology registered as exchange students who have returned to Poland or plan to return to Poland in the nearest future and participate or want to participate in online classes at the foreign university where they started their mobility,

1.3. students of the Lodz University of Technology registered as exchange students who plan to stay abroad until the end of the assumed mobility period and continue their mobility,

1.4. students of the Lodz University of Technology registered as exchange students pursuing studies under the double degree programme.

2. Each student from the above mentioned groups 1.1 and 1.2 should be aware that due to the current situation there is a risk that the subjects containing the practical part (e.g. laboratories) may not be passed in full. In such cases, the student may receive a confirmation of participation and credit for the part of the course that was delivered by distance learning methods at a foreign university, while the practical part should be delivered at the Lodz University of Technology (the student should apply for such a possibility earlier), provided that this part is delivered in a scope at least similar to the one delivered at a foreign university in any subject at the Lodz University of Technology. Students from these groups should consider the possibility of completing the courses at TUL in such a number as to obtain 30 ECTS assigned to a mobile semester. Some of the courses completed at the foreign university will be subject to the procedure of partial recognition of learning outcomes and the necessity to complete the missing learning outcomes and ECTS credits at TUL.

3. It is suggested that TUL students on exchange in the summer semester of the 2019/2020 academic year should make every effort to choose a comprehensive offer of education at their partner university, filling 30 ECTS points, as this may be a condition for a positive settlement of the entire mobility grant.

4. Each student from the above mentioned groups (1.1 to 1.3), who will not be able to choose a comprehensive offer at the partner university, will be given an opportunity to participate in classes conducted by means of distance learning methods at TUL. It will be organized in the following way:

4.1. A student of the Lodz University of Technology selects from an offer of study programmes carried out in the summer semester at the Lodz University of Technology the subjects in which he or she would like to participate and declares his or her wish to participate.

4.2. The application for participation in a course will be considered to be an electronic application sent by a student of the Lodz University of Technology registered for the exchange to the Dean's Office for Student Affairs, CC to the Dean's Office, with an indication of the planned courses, together with their code and the name of the teacher. The last day for applications is 8 April.

4.3. Not later than 15 April this year, each teacher shall receive a full list of students referred to in point 1, who should be given access to the conducted classes.

4.4. The responsibility for monitoring the implementation of point 4.3 of the above announcement lies with the Vice Dean for Student Affairs of the faculty responsible for the student's study programme.

5. In the case of students of the Lodz University of Technology registered as exchange students under a double diploma, the continuation of the mobility will take place in accordance with the rules established jointly with the foreign partner.


Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, DSc, PhD, MSc,

Vice Rector for Education

Head of the TUL Crisis Management Centre

ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-31 04:27:22


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz