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2020-03-31 01:06:22

Polish government has introduced further restrictions regarding the coronavirus. From April 1 until further notice, any person under 18 will leave the house only under the care of an adult guardian, and parks, boulevards and beaches will be closed. For breaking the bans there is a penalty from 5,000 to even 30,000. zł. In addition, there are changes in the rules of shopping in stationary stores and suspension of businesses like hair, beauty or tattoo salons. What else is changing?


Restrictions on the number of customers in stores, at trade fairs, at the post office (from 01/04/2020)

  • Shops and service points - 3 people for cash or paying position

A maximum of as many people as the product of the number of all cash registers and the number 3 can enter each store (both small and large-area), as well as each commercial premises.

EXAMPLE This means that if there are 5 cash registers in the shop, there can be 15 customers in the shop at one time.

EXAMPLE If there are 3 service stations in the bank, there can be 9 people in the bank at one time.

Important! The total number of cash registers counts, not the ones that are open.

  • Marketplace - 3 customers per 1 trading point

Fairs, stalls and bazaars will also be affected by similar aggravations. The only difference is that the number of people at the market cannot be more than three times the number of points of sale.

EXAMPLE If, therefore, there are 20 such points in a local bazaar, a maximum of 60 customers can be in its area at one time.

  • Post offices - 2 people for 1 post counter

There can be as many people in the post office as the number of post counters multiplied by 2.

EXAMPLE If there are 5 windows in an institution, then 10 people can be in it at one time.


    Limiting the functioning of construction stores and new obligations for all stores

    Large-scale construction stores will be closed on weekends.

    However, all stores will have to adapt to new, stricter safety rules:

    - from April 2 (Thursday) all customers will shop in disposable gloves,
    - from 10 am to noon, shops and services can only receive people over 65 years of age. At other times, shops and commercial premises are available to everyone, including those over 65 years of age.


    Closed hotels and other accommodations

    Hotels and other accommodation (operating on a short-term rental basis) are closed. They can function only when they are in quarantine or isolation, as well as when medical personnel are in them.

    Important! Guests who stay in these facilities at the time the new rules enter into force must check out by Thursday, April 2, 2020.

    However, this does not apply to persons who are on a delegation and use accommodation services as part of their duties. Hotels remain open for these people.


    Automatic quarantine for loved ones in quarantine (1/04/2020)

    We are expanding the list of people who will be subject to mandatory home quarantine. It will cover everyone who lives with a person quarantined. The rules will apply to people who are in one apartment with people quarantined from Wednesday, April 1, 2020.

    EXAMPLE So if one of your household (roommates) will be quarantined from April 1, 2020 because of:

    return from abroad
    contact with the infected
    - You'll have to do it too.


    Suspension of rehabilitation and closing of beauty and hairdressing salons

    All hairdressers, cosmetics, tattoo and piercing salons are closed without exception. These services will also not be available outside showrooms - e.g. home visits are not an option.

    We also suspend rehabilitation and massages - both in public and private facilities. The exceptions are situations in which rehabilitation is absolutely required by the patient's state of health.


    It is forbidden to leave the home by persons under 18 without adult supervision

    Children and adolescents under 18 years of age will not be able to leave the home unattended. Only the presence of a parent, legal guardian or adult justifies their presence on the street.

    However, restrictions on the movement of all persons remain. You still can't leave the house except:

    - travel to work. If you are an employee, run your own business or farm, you have the right to get to your job. You also have the right to buy goods and services related to your professional activity.
    - volunteering to fight COVID-19. If you work to fight coronavirus and help those in need to be in quarantine or who should not leave your home, you can move around as part of this activity.
    - dealing with matters necessary for everyday life. You will be able to move around to do the necessary shopping, buy medicines, see a doctor, look after relatives and walk the dog.


      It is forbidden to use parks, beaches, boulevards, promenades and city bikes

      There is a ban on staying on beaches and green areas that have public functions. Therefore, the ban applies to parks, green areas, promenades, boulevards, botanical and zoological gardens, and Jordanian gardens. Recent experience shows that these are places where people accumulate and thus increase the chances of infection.

      For this reason, we limit the use of city bikes.


      2 meters - minimum distance between pedestrians

      We introduce the obligation to maintain a distance of at least 2 meters between pedestrians. This also applies to families and loved ones.

      The following will be excluded from this obligation:

      - parents with children requiring care (up to 13 years old),
      - as well as disabled persons and persons unable to move independently and their carers.


        Offices for remote work

        Public institutions will perform their duties remotely. The exception may only be activities in which remote work does not guarantee the possibility of performing their key duties.


        Passenger limit also on 9+ vehicles (from April 2, 2020)

        In public transport, the principle "as many passengers as half as many seats in the vehicle" already applies.  requirement is extended to vehicles with more than 9 seats, including private transport - e.g. delivering to work in an organized way, or private carriers.

        EXAMPLE If there are 20 seats on the bus, a maximum of 10 people can enter the vehicle at one time.

        Important! The restriction will come into force on Thursday, April 2, 2020 and does not apply to passenger cars.


        Work places - additional safeguards for employees (from April 2, 2020)

        Employers will have to provide additional security measures for their employees. And yes:

        - individual work stations must be at least 1.5 meters apart.
        - employees must wear gloves and have access to disinfectant fluids.

        Important! The employer must provide these security measures from Thursday, April 2, 2020.


        ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-31 01:40:07


        Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

        2020-03-30 08:14:44

        Information No. 5 of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology, March 27, 2020.

        Information on conducting material assistance services during suspension of classes at the university caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus threat.

        In relation to the decision to suspend classes at Lodz University of Technology and in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 24 March 2020 amending the Regulation on the announcement of the state of the epidemic in the territory of the Republic of Poland and introducing restrictions on the movement of people, I am introducing on 27 March 2020 until further notice the following changes to the procedure for applying by students and PhD students for the financial aid:

        1. Students/PhD students applying for a maintenance grant, allowance and scholarship for disabled people should submit appropriate applications only by:

        a) sending legible scans or photos of the original printed, completed and signed application, as well as scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, declarations, etc.) as attachments to the e-mail sent from the individual account in TUL’s electronic mail system and addressed to or, and then

        immediate sending to via Polish Post a package containing the originals of the abovementioned documents to the address: Benefits Service Section, 116 Zeromskiego St., 90-924 Lodz.


        b) sending to the electronic inbox of Lodz University of Technology on the ePUAP platform: /PolitLodz/SkrytkaESP signed with an electronic signature (signature confirmed by a trusted profile or qualified certificate) of a file (or each of the files) containing a scan or photo of the original of the completed and signed application and scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, statements, etc.)


        c) signing a file (or each of the files) containing a scan or photo of the original of the completed and signed application, as well as scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, statements, etc.) with the electronic signature of the trusted profile submitted using the tool available on the website:

        and then sending the files generated in this way (.xml file format) as attachments to the e-mail sent from an individual account in TUL’s electronic mail system and sent to the address or

        2. Students/PhD students applying for a rector's scholarship should submit applications between March 14 and April 24, 2020 only through:

        a) sending legible scans or photos of the original printed, completed and signed application and scans of all required documents (attestations, statements, etc.) as attachments to the e-mail sent from the individual account in TUL’s electronic mail system to or and then immediately sending via Polish Post a package containing the originals of the abovementioned documents to: Benefits Service Section, 116 Zeromskiego St., 90-924 Lodz


        b) sending to the electronic inbox of the Lodz University of Technology on the ePUAP platform: /PolitLodz/SkrytkaESP signed with an electronic signature (signature confirmed by a trusted profile or qualified certificate) of a file (or each of the files) containing a scan or photo of the original of the completed and signed application and scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, statements, etc.)


        c) signing a file (or each of the files) containing a scan or photo of the original of the completed and signed application and scans or photos of all required documents (certificates, statements, etc.) with the electronic signature of the trusted profile submitted using the tool available at:

        and then sending the files generated in this way (.xml file format) as attachments to the e-mail sent from an individual account in TUL’s electronic mail system to the address or

        3. Students/PhD students who want to settle matters related to health insurance should submit forms only by:

        a) sending legible scans or photos of printed, completed and signed original ZUS (Social Insurance Institution) form with a declaration as attachments to the e-mail sent from the individual account in TUL’s electronic mail system and addressed to or


        b) sending via Polish Post a package containing the originals of the abovementioned documents to the address: Benefits Service Section, 116 Zeromskiego St., 90-924 Lodz.

        In some cases to complete or clarify the details of the documentation a student/PhD student may be asked via e-mail or phone to appear in person in TUL’s Benefits Service Section on 116 Zeromskiego St. in Lodz, building A-33, entrance E, 4th floor.

        Information in the abovementioned matters can be obtained by e-mail: or

        or by phone:

        (42) 631 20 88; (42) 631 20 80; (42) 631 20 33

        This information completely replaces the regulations set out in Information No. 1 of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology published on March 12, 2020.


        Professor Witold Pawłowski Ph.D., D.Sc

        TUL’s Vice-Rector for Student Affairs

        Deputy Head of Anti-Crisis Staff

        ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-30 08:15:51


        Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

        2020-03-27 12:57:46

        Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education of Lodz University of Technology on access to distance learning for foreign students registered at TUL in the summer semester of the year 2019/2020, 27 March 2020

        1. This announcement covers all groups of foreign students registered for exchange programs at the Lodz University of Technology in the summer semester of the year 2019/2020, in particular:

        1.1. foreign exchange students who left Poland before 16 March 2020 and received the Confirmation of Stay and do not intend to return to Poland.

        1.2. foreign exchange students who left Poland after 16 March 2020 (repatriation) and notified the International Cooperation Centre, received or did not receive the Confirmation of Stay and intend to return to Poland.

        1.3. foreign exchange students who plan to return to their country in the near future have informed the International Cooperation Centre, but intend to continue participating in online courses organized by Lodz University of Technology.

        1.4. foreign exchange students who plan to stay at the Lodz University of Technology until the end of the assumed mobility period and continue their studies..

        2. Each student from the above mentioned groups should be given the opportunity to participate in all the classes conducted by means of distance learning. This will be organised in the following way:

        2.1. A foreign student together with his or her home university will receive a list of courses conducted using the methods of distance learning at TUL in the summer semester 2019/2020.

        2.2. A foreign student listed in points 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 and the home university will be informed that due to the current situation there is a risk that the courses containing the practical part (e.g. laboratories) may not be fully completed. In such cases, the student will receive a confirmation of attendance and credit for the part of the course that was delivered using distance learning methods, while the practical part should be delivered at the home university (the student should apply for such a possibility at the home university in advance).

        2.3. An e-mail from a foreign student will be considered as an application for participation in the course, indicating the planned courses in which the student intends to take part. The last day of application shall be 3 April this year.

        2.4. The list of selected courses should be in accordance with the Learning Agreement signed by both universities, except when the course has not opened. In such a situation, the student will be able to sign up for another course, to which he or she will be assigned only after obtaining the consent of the competent Dean and the course instructor.

        2.5. Each teacher shall receive, no later than by 8 April this year, a full list of the foreign students referred to in point 1, who should be given access to the classes conducted. The Vice Dean for Student Affairs of the relevant faculty is responsible for monitoring the implementation of point 2.5. of the above announcement.


        Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, DSc, PhD, MSc,

        Vice Rector for Education

        Head of the TUL Crisis Management Centre

        ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-27 12:58:45


        Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

        2020-03-24 02:43:35

        The development of the epidemic in Poland and in Europe causes further decisions on security principles.

        Restrictions on movement are introduced

        Until April 11 inclusive, you will not be able to move freely outside your living, health and professional goals.

        Therefore, the restrictions do not apply to:

        • travel to work. If you are an employee, run your own business or farm, you have the right to get to your job. You also have the right to buy goods and services related to your professional activity.
        • volunteering. If you work to fight coronavirus and help those in need to be in quarantine or who should not leave your home, you can move around as part of this activity.
        • dealing with matters necessary for everyday life. You will be able to move around to do the necessary shopping, buy medicines, see a doctor, look after relatives and walk the dog.

        Important! You can only move in a group of up to two people. This restriction does not apply to families.

        As many people as half of the seats on the bus

        Public transport public transport continues to operate. However, only half of the seats can be occupied on a bus, tram or subway. If there are 70 seats in the vehicle, it can have a maximum of 35 people on its board.We want Poles to have access to communication. However, we must ensure that the buses are not overcrowded.

        Total ban on gatherings - except with loved ones

        The new regulations also prohibit any gatherings, meetings, events or meetings. However, you will be able to meet your loved ones.

        Safety rules during religious ceremonies

        Restrictions on movement also do not apply to people who want to participate in religious events. Here, however, we have introduced another important principle. More than 5 people will not be able to participate in the mass or other religious rite at the same time - excluding those who exercise the ministry. However, we encourage you to participate in religious events via television, radio or the Internet.


        Restrictions on the number of people do not apply to workplaces. However, they should apply particularly strict recommendations of the Chief Sanitary Inspector in the field of maintaining the distance of employees, disinfectants.

        Other restrictions still apply

        Despite the changes introduced, all previous bans remain in force, i.e. restrictions on the operation of shopping malls, catering and entertainment activities.

        A mandatory 14-day quarantine for those returning from abroad is also still in operation.


        ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-24 02:48:19


        Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

        2020-03-19 08:12:40

        Information No. 4 of the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs of Lodz University of Technology of 18 March 2020. on the deadlines for the payment of tuition fees for part-time degree programs and fees charged for repeating courses in full-time and part-time degree programs in the period of the suspension of classes at the University due to SARS-CoV-2 outbreak

        The terms and deadlines set out in this Information No. 4 for the payment of tuition fees and fees charged for repeating courses shall also apply to international students enrolled in full-cycle full-time and full-cycle part-time degree programs at Lodz University of Technology.

        1. I hereby inform you that in connection with the decision of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology on the possibility to continue the process of education by distance learning during the suspension of on-campus teaching in the summer semester of 2019/20, the terms for the payment of tuition fees for full-time degree programs (applies to international students as referred to above), part-time degree programs and fees charged for repeating courses in full-time and part-time degree programs shall remain unchanged.

        2. I hereby inform you that the previously agreed tuition fees for full-time degree programs (applies to international students as referred to above), part-time degree programs and fees charged for repeating courses in full-time and part-time degree programs shall remain in force.

        3. I hereby introduce the following amendments to the deadlines for the payment of tuition fees for full-time degree programs (applies to international students as referred to above), part-time degree programs and fees charged for repeating courses in full-time and part-time degree programs:

        a. the deadlines for the payment of tuition fees for the summer semester 2019/20 for full-time degree programs (applies to international students as referred to above), part-time degree programs shall be extended by 45 calendar days,

        b. the deadlines for the payment of fees charged for repeating courses in full-time and part-time degree programs in the summer semester 2019/20 shall be extended by 45 calendar days,

        c. the deadlines for the payment of outstanding tuition fees and fees for the repetition of courses completed prior to the summer semester 2019/20 and the rules for charging interest for late payment remain in force.

        Amendments listed under a., b., and c. shall remain in force until further notice.


        Dr hab. inż. Witold Pawłowski, prof. PŁ

        Vice-Rector for Student Affairs

        Deputy Head of Crisis Management Cent

        ostatnie zmiany 2020-04-03 12:18:14


        Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

        2020-03-17 08:46:36

        Symptoms of CORONAVIRUS infection

        The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, shortness of breath and fatigue. Some patients also experience muscle pain, runny nose, sore throat and diarrhea. Some of the infected patients do not show any symptoms.

        In more serious cases, COVID-19 develops severe pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, sepsis and septic shock, which can lead to a patient’s death.

        The incubation period is the time between "catching" the virus and the onset of disease symptoms. The World Health Organization (WHO) informs that for COVID-19 it is between 1 and 14 days, and that is why people who may have been infected with it are subjected to the quarantine of 14 days. However, most often the symptoms appear after 5 days

        From March 15, after returning to Poland you are obliged to undergo a mandatory 14-day quarantine.

        Recommendations during the CORONAVIRUS epidemic

        These are the rules to follow to minimise the risk of infection:

        • frequently wash your hands with soap and water or (if necessary) disinfect them with an alcohol-based agent
        • keep a safe distance from your interlocutor (1-1.5 meters)
        • avoid large crowds of people
        • pay attention to hygiene of the places where meals are prepared
        • do not share food, e.g. crisps from one packet.

        Wearing protective masks by healthy people is not recommended.

        Washing our hands will not guarantee that we will not get sick. But it is one of the recommended ways to protect against potential contact with coronavirus.

        What to do if you suspect that you have CORONAVIRUS infection?

        If you have observed the symptoms described above or if you have been to the countries from the risk list (current list of countries available at:,, within the last 14 days, immediately notify the sanitary-epidemiological station BY TELEPHONE or go directly to the infectious diseases ward or ward for communicable diseases and observation where further medical procedure will be determined. Do not use public transport so as not to infect others.

        Do not go to the outpatient clinic or the Hospital Emergency Ward! You could infect others there!

        Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations in Łódź:

        at ul. Wodna 40, 90-046 Łódź, tel. 42 253 62 00

        at ul. Stanisława Przybyszewskiego 10, 93-189 Łódź, tel. 42 253 99 00, the phone number after hours: 600 241 646, 570 204 085, 881 565 393

        Infectious diseases hospitals in the Łódź Voivodeship:

        Radomsko: Szpital Powiatowy [District Hospital], ul. Jagiellońska 36, tel.: 44 6810822 Bełchatów: Szpital Wojewódzki [Regional Hospital] im. Jana Pawła II, ul. Czapliniecka 123, tel.: 44 6358555 Tomaszów Mazowiecki: Tomaszowskie Centrum Zdrowia [Tomaszów Health Centre], ul. Jana Pawła II 35, tel.: 44 7257134 Łódź: Wojewódzki Specjalistyczny Szpital [Regional Specialist Hospital] im. dr Wł. Biegańskiego, ul. Kniaziewicza 1/5, tel.: 42 2516051

        The Ministry of Health has launched a helpline 800 190 590 to deal with cases of suspected coronavirus infections.

        More information about the coronavirus can be found at:


        ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-17 08:47:24


        Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

        2020-03-12 12:47:14


        Dear All,

        at the beginning I would like to deny all gossips which appear today - you do not have to move out from dormitories and you do not have to pack your things.

         More over some time ago the official briefing from polish Prime Minister has finished. The crisis council has made few important decisions. I would like to inform you about them here:

        1) All shopping malls will be closed however the markets out of malls will stay open,

        2) Banks and pharmacies remain open as well,

        3) Cafeterias and restaurants will be closed however they still can delivery food,

        4) Assemblies over 50 people are forbidden,

        5) From 15th march the boarders of Poland will be closed,

        6) All international transport is suspended,

        7) Cities in Poland remain open and the national transport is working normally, I know it seems super serious and scary but please do not panic, we are not the first country which has made such decisions. Also it is necessary to take control over spreading virus and people believe it is the best way.

        From our site we would like to advise you to stay in Lodz as the situation is dynamic. I hope soon we will be able to bring you some better news. For now let's stay united, International Office and ESN-EYE will also organise some online events to make you feel better during this time.

        If you need anything do not hesitate to contact us.


        Joanna Wlodarczyk
        Head of Students Mobility Division for Exchange Students



        UPDATE: Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education on the mobility of exchange students at TUL


        Dear Students,

        The authorities of the Lodz University of Technology do not see any need for You to leave Poland immediately. If You express your wish to stay in Poland, you will be bound by all regulations concerning Polish students. Each of you expressing willingness to leave Poland is asked to inform the Erasmus CWM office via e-mail ( in order to obtain confirmation of the period of stay at the Lodz University of Technology.

        Students who have already decided to leave for their home countries are asked to stay there. In case of leaving personal belongings in Poland, at the your request, your roommate or a commission will pack your belongings and we will send them back to your home country address.

        We remind you that all planned study and internship trips abroad are suspended until further notice.


        From 12 March 2020 until further notice, student reception hours at the offices of the International Cooperation Centre CWM are changed. The offices will be opened according to the following schedule:

        Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 - 11:00

        Wednesday - closed to students

        It is recommended that all matters are dealt with by telephone or e-mail.


        Further decisions on measures for preventing, counteracting and eradicating COVID-19 at the Lodz University of Technology will be communicated in the form of Announcements of the Rector of the Lodz University of Technology. Please follow the information at


        Whole announcement you can read here.

        Dear Students,

        Considering that there is a risk to Public Health and that the Lodz University of Technology is responsible for ensuring conditions of safety and health to the academic community, on a continuous and permanent basis and in view of the general principles of prevention, the University has defined and approved the Contingency Plan of the Lodz University of Technology for the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19.

        Based on the decision of the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education as well as the Rector of Lodz University of Technology, all in-door classes at TUL campus has been cancelled from March 12th, 2020 till April 14th, 2020

        This regulation applies to all of you, however, even though the classes at the campus won't be conducted for the previously mentioned period, you will have the chance to study online (e-learning). Each of you will receive the student number, thanks to which you will have access to our online platform WIKAMP. You will be able to enroll for courses and study at home from the materials prepared for you by professors. We are waiting for the information concerning the additional courses (which ones can be conducted online). As soon as we know that, we will inform you.

        All the conferences, parties at TUL campus, events organised by the student’s organisations, etc. has been cancelled.

        As for you living in dormitories, you may stay in your places at the dormitories, however, it is impossible to have guests (even guests from other dormitories). Please keep that in mind.

        We leave up to you the decision if you are staying in Lodz and continuing your exchange programme at TUL or going back to your home country. Please keep in mind that if you go abroad right now, you will not be able to continue your exchange here. In that case, you will have to continue your semester at your Home University. If you plan to go back to your country, please let us know via e-mail and we will prepare confirmation of stay and transcript of records.

        ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-13 09:25:18


        Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

        2020-03-12 09:39:07

        In the situation of the spread of the coronavirus, Lodz University of Technology has taken preventive measures in the form of travel ban and mandatory quarantine in order to avoid the transmission of COVID-19 .


        Rules with regard to the Staff Mobility:

        1. Mandatory quarantine at the place of residence for a period of 14 days from the date of return from abroad.

        2. Prohibition on foreign trips (entries and departures).

        3. Prohibition of foreign guests' arrivals.



        ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-12 10:21:19


        2020-03-03 12:37:00

        2nd call for applications for participation in the PROM Project!

        International Cooperation Centre of Lodz University of Technology announces additional call for applications for participation in the PROM Project. The call is open for 20 PhD students of foreign institutions to conduct a short-term scientific visits at Lodz University of Technology.

        The objectives of the mobility should be closely related to the subject matter of the PhD thesis

        being carried out by the Candidate. The 5-30 day long mobility should be conducted before September 30th 2020.

        The deadline for applications is March 31st 2020.


        More information is avaialble at the project website


        ostatnie zmiany 2020-03-03 12:52:18


        2020-01-15 08:48:51

        It is our pleasure to invite academic and non-academic staff to the International Staff Week at University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic and OTH Amberg – Weiden, Germany.
        May 11 – 15, 2020

        The programme will consist of a mixture of meetings, presentations and workshops at the UWB campus, beautiful city of Pilsen (3 days) and OTH Amberg – Weiden, Germany (2 days).

        Two areas of networking in 2 different regions Bohemia & Bavaria:
        1) Cooperation of regional institutions
        2) International students integration

        The online registration form will be available from 01.02.2020 till 31.03.2020 on the UWB website:

        The International Staff Week will accept limited amount of participants. We will confirm to the registered applicants their participation ASAP. Not later than the beginning of April 2020.
        For more information, please don´t hesitate to contact us!

        We look forward to meeting you at UWB, in Pilsen and OTH Amberg – Weiden, Germany!


        ostatnie zmiany 2020-01-21 12:25:57


        Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

        ECIU News