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2021-04-28 12:12:57

Automation and Robotics is a field of study for enthusiasts of new technologies that will make daily life easier. Natalia Walczak, a graduate of Master’s programme, talks about the studies and development opportunities in this field.

I chose Automation and Robotics because…

I chose this field of study because I have always found the idea of using automatic solutions in everyday life fascinating. My interest was further strengthened by numerous superhero movies that I liked watching. As I observed the progress of robotics during my studies, I can say that I chose a field of study that has fully developed my potential.

What are the studies in Automation and Robotics like?

At first, during studies, we learn about the theoretical basics related to robotics and control. We use this knowledge in practice in the next semesters, including programming PLC controllers, controlling industrial robots, and developing software on microcontrollers. From the third year of studies, we implement group projects that enable the development of physical control models and prototypes of mobile robots.

What I like most about my field of study is….

…a variety of activities and opportunities to gain experience. Participation in numerous research organisations at the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering also allows you to verify the knowledge acquired during classes in practice. I focused on the use of artificial intelligence in the control of mobile robots and I explore this wide issue at the .NET Student Research Club Lodz University of Technology, among others in the aRMoRS project.

Automation and Robotics should be chosen by a person who …

is interested in co-creating the technologies of the future. Anyone who has the spark of an inventor in them, would like to support technological processes, low-level programming or implement projects related to the robotization of industry and transport will certainly find a perfect fit here.

And after graduation?

Studying Automation and Robotics has given me a lot of professional and research perspectives. I can further develop the research ones at the second cycle, where the study program is largely project-based, and this is also the path I chose. Studying this field is very exciting, full of inspiration and you are bound to land a well-paid job.


Natalia Walczak, Poland
Automation and Robotics student

ostatnie zmiany 2021-04-28 12:16:56


Agnieszka Wierzbinska

2021-04-22 11:19:23

From April 26, 2021, the Government of the Republic of Poland will remove some restrictions in 11 voivodeships with the lowest average daily number of infections. Hairdressing and beauty salons will be reopened there. In addition, children from grades 1-3 of primary school will switch to hybrid education. The other restrictions are extended.

In the remaining 5 voivodeships, all existing restrictions remain unchanged until further notice. These are the voivodeships:

  • Silesian Voivodeship
  • Lower Silesian Voivodeship
  • Greater Poland Voivodeship
  • Łódź Voivodeship
  • Opole Voivodeship



ostatnie zmiany 2021-04-22 11:23:25


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2021-04-14 12:58:46

The government of the Republic of Poland extends the applicable safety rules until April 25, except for hotels that will be closed until May 3.


On April 19, nurseries and kindergartens for all children will be opened. Children and adolescents will also be allowed to participate in sports competitions conducted by the relevant Polish sports association. From next Monday, it will also be possible to do sports in outdoor sports facilities - with the limit of 25 people.

  • Hotels - accommodation facilities remain closed until May 3 inclusive. The exceptions are, among others, workers' hotels, as well as accommodation provided as part of some business trips - e.g. medics, drivers performing road transport or soldiers. The exact catalog of exceptions along with the required confirmation of a business trip will be included in the regulation.
  • Nurseries and kindergartens - open from April 19 for all children.
  • Sport - from April 19, it will be possible for children and youth to participate in sports competitions conducted by the relevant Polish sports association. It will also be possible to do sports in outdoor sports facilities - with a limit of up to 25 people (both children and adolescents, and adults). On the other hand, the activity of other sports facilities (halls, indoor sports fields, etc.) is still limited to professional sports only (as before). All events can take place without the participation of the public. Closed are, among others gyms, fitness clubs, swimming pools, saunas and solariums. Exceptions to the rules are laid down in the regulation.


Other safety rules - unchanged

The existing restrictions are extended until Sunday, April 25, 2021.

Trade - restrictions

  • Large-format furniture and construction stores with an area of ​​more than 2,000 m2 will remain closed.
  • Shopping centers and malls - as they are today - remain closed, with the exception of: grocery stores, pharmacies and drugstores, press salons, bookstores.

There are person limits in commercial establishments at the market or post office:

  • 1 person per 15 m2 - in shops up to 100 m2,
  • 1 person per 20 m2 - in shops over 100 m2.

Religious worship - there is a limit of people in places of religious worship - there must be 20 m2 per 1 person. The obligation to cover the mouth and nose and keep 1.5 m away from other people remains unchanged.

Hairdressing and beauty salons - remain closed.

Education - students of all grades of primary schools, secondary schools, students of continuing education institutions and vocational training centers learn remotely.

Culture - theaters, cinemas, museums and art galleries are still closed.



ostatnie zmiany 2021-04-14 01:03:36


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2021-04-08 08:39:28

The government of the Republic of Poland extends the applicable safety rules until April 18.

Trade - restrictions

  • Large-format furniture and construction stores with an area of ​​more than 2,000 m2 will remain closed.
  • Shopping centres and malls - as they are today - remain closed, with the exception of: grocery stores, pharmacies and drugstores, press salons, bookstores.

There are person limits in commercial establishments at the market or post office:

  • 1 person per 15 m2 - in shops up to 100 m2,
  • 1 person per 20 m2 - in stores over 100 m2.

Religious worship - there is a limit of people in places of religious worship - there must be 20 m2 per 1 person. The obligation to cover the mouth and nose and keep 1.5 m away from other people remains unchanged.

Hairdressing and beauty salons - remain closed

Nurseries and kindergartens - are still closed. The exception is caring for children of medical workers and law enforcement (including soldiers, police officers and fire brigades).

Sport - the activity of sports facilities is limited to professional sports only. All events can take place without the participation of the public. Closed are, among others gyms, fitness clubs, ski slopes, swimming pools, saunas and solariums.

Education - students of all grades of primary schools, secondary schools, students of continuing education institutions and vocational training centers learn remotely.

Hotels - accommodation facilities remain closed (with the exception of, inter alia, workers' hotels, as well as e.g. for medics, drivers performing road transport or soldiers).

Culture - theaters, cinemas, museums and art galleries are still closed.



ostatnie zmiany 2021-04-08 08:43:04


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2021-04-07 11:58:50

I chose Lodz University of Technology because...

I've lived in Lodz all my life, I went to primary school, middle school and high school here, I know the city like the back of my hand. Łódź is a city that keeps changing for the better, and Lodz University of Technology is a part of these changes. Every person I asked for an opinion recommended it to me. Moreover, in the entire country, Lodz University of Technology holds a strong position in the top 10 academic universities. The choice was obvious to me.


When choosing my field of study, I wanted to avoid something "typical". Nanotechnology is a study aimed at the future, adapted to the latest technologies and market needs.

As I noticed, the name itself attracts attention. When I told my friends for the first time: "I am studying nanotechnology", I was met with great interest and even admiration. Another piece of advice: be prepared to talk about it a lot because as soon as people hear what you're studying, they won't give you a break.

It is worth studying nanotechnology because... 

"The field of study of the future" say some, "practical classes and experience" say others.  And it is hard not to agree with them. However, I personally appreciate the fact that it does not limit the possibilities of further development. It is not a purely chemical course supplemented with physics or mathematics. The student has a wide range of subjects touching upon issues from various areas of knowledge, which allows the student to use the acquired skills in many sectors such as medicine, industry, analytical laboratories... Nanotechnology did not close any doors for me, on the contrary - it showed me what is behind each of them and taught me how to manage after going through them.

Studying nanotechnology "from behind the scenes"

In addition to the lectures, laboratories play a big role in nanotechnology - classes that show in a "tangible" way the phenomena discussed in theoretical classes. Students have the opportunity to use synthetic and analytical laboratories, physical laboratories and many other professionally equipped laboratories in various institutes of our university on their own. Initially unfamiliar and intimidating machines are gradually tamed and eventually become essential tools for research, synthesis of new materials and compounds and their identification.

During studies, students have the opportunity to go on international internships. Many of my colleagues have taken up this opportunity. The destinations are extremely attractive - Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Portugal, France, Spain and many others. As far as the second cycle of studies is concerned, the curriculum includes a semester abroad, which enables students to develop and learn about the functioning of research centres or workplaces abroad. The most popular mobility direction is the University of Twente in the Netherlands. This choice gives the opportunity to obtain the so-called double diploma, which means a lot in the world of science and among future employers.

At this point it is also worth mentioning that as of this year you can study nanotechnology at second-cycle studies also in English.

My opinion on the field of study and the university

In addition to the above mentioned high level and the possibility of mobility, it is worth noting the continuous development and progress of the university. One of the most recent investments of Lodz University of Technology is the new building of the Faculty of Chemistry - Alchemium. The building, apart from the lecture hall and halls for students and staff, has modern chemical laboratories, which will significantly improve the quality of work.

Another strong point of Lodz University of Technology is its willingness to cooperate. As a result, training courses, study visits and various internships are organised for students and employees.

For students who want to develop both scientifically and socially, it would be a good choice to join the dynamically functioning student research groups. Thanks to such groups, it is possible to meet new people - students from different faculties, and by participating in national scientific conferences - people from different universities, with different interests. I myself belong to one of the groups at the Faculty of Chemistry - Students' Research Group "NANO", and going back in time, if I wanted to decide again whether to join the association, I would not hesitate for a moment, I would say "I’m in!" - again!

I recommend Lodz University of Technology...

Lodz University of Technology is the best choice for people who are curious about the world, creative, and who want to develop personally and professionally (also scientifically). If you are such a person, don't hesitate! Join us!


Norbert Nizel, Poland
Nanotechnology student

ostatnie zmiany 2021-04-07 12:07:37


Agnieszka Wierzbinska

2021-03-25 11:34:28

New security rules from March 27 to April 9, 2021.

What will change from Saturday, March 27?



  • Large-format furniture and construction stores with an area of ​​more than 2,000 m2 will be closed.
  • Shopping centers and galleries - as they are today - remain closed, with the exception of: grocery stores, pharmacies and drugstores, press salons, bookstores.
  • In addition, new people limits will apply in commercial establishments at the market or post office:

1 person per 15 m2 - in shops up to 100 m2,
1 person per 20 m2 - in shops over 100 m2.

Religious worship

From March 27, places of worship will have a new limit of people - there will have to be 20 m2 per 1 person. The obligation to cover the mouth and nose and keep 1.5 m away from other people remains unchanged.

Hairdressing and beauty salons

From March 27, the ban will also cover hairdressing, beauty and cosmetic salons all over Poland.

Nurseries and kindergartens only for medics

For the safety of children and parents, nurseries and kindergartens will be closed. The exception will be the care for children of medical workers and law enforcement (including soldiers, police officers and fire brigades).

Important! Parents will be able to take advantage of the additional care allowance.

Sport - professional only

The activities of sports facilities will be limited to professional sports only. All events can take place without the participation of the public.


Let's stay at home on Easter

The difficult situation related to COVID-19 requires limiting our social activity - also during the upcoming Easter.

If we want to go back to pre-pandemic times, we have to be responsible. During the holidays, we should therefore limit our contacts only to the closest household members, and postpone any meetings to another, more safe time. Much depends on ourselves. Let's take care of ourselves and our family.


Remote work - wherever you can

Online work is recommended nationwide - wherever possible. Remember to keep your distance, disinfect your hands, wear a mask and ventilate the rooms frequently. If you have a mobile phone, ask your relatives to install the STOP COVID ProtegoSafe application, which will notify you about possible contact with an infected person.


Other restrictions - unchanged

The other safety rules still apply:

  • Education - students of all grades of primary schools, secondary schools, students of continuing education institutions and vocational training centers, learn remotely.
  • Hotels - facilities remain closed (with the exception of, for example, workers' hotels, as well as e.g. for medics, road transport drivers or soldiers).
  • Culture - theaters, cinemas, museums and art galleries will still be closed.
  • Sport - incl. gyms, fitness clubs, ski slopes, swimming pools, saunas and solariums.





ostatnie zmiany 2021-03-25 12:39:51


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2021-03-24 08:37:22

Learning about the world on a micro-scale in the company of friendly people - Krzysztof Romaniuk, a second-year student at the Faculty of Chemistry, tells us about studying chemical analytics.

Why Lodz University of Technology?

I come from southern Podlasie (Lubelskie voivodeship), and I appreciate the beauty and power of nature. Lodz is a combination of modernity and nature - a perfect place for me. Well connected to many cities, many parks, murals and cultural events make it a friendly city for students from all over the country, those who like balance, as well as those who appreciate thrill. Additionally, the strong position of Lodz University of Technology, which is among the top technical universities in Poland, meant that I did not have any doubts about my choice.

Chemical analytics...

I used to like taking toys apart... They say that men never grow up and there must be something in it, because taking things apart and checking what they are made of, despite the fact that years have passed, it is still interesting for me. I enjoy knowing how something works and what it is. Apart from gaining knowledge, I wanted to respond to the needs of the market and help people, so I chose chemical analytics.

What does this field of study give you?

Thanks to the comprehensive approach to teaching, the future analyst, quality controller or other specialist who will graduate from this field of study will have the tools in the form of knowledge that will allow them to efficiently and economically design analyses, conduct them using advanced equipment, statistically analyze the results, draw conclusions and evaluate the factors that may have adversely affected the results. Sounds interesting, right? It's a great prospect for those who are creative and enjoy challenges.

What are the characteristics of teaching?

An analyst is first and foremost supposed to use knowledge to carry out analyses. To be able to do this, he needs solid practical classes in addition to lectures. This aspect is very well implemented at the TUL, even despite the pandemic. Professor, who is the supervisor of our field of study with her professional and kind team, meets the needs of students. This openness is demonstrated by the fact that we discuss the form of the exam, not just its date, which shows that being a student, despite a precisely specified curriculum, you have an influence on what you can study.

My opinion...

With initiative, enthusiasm and a great knowledge base, a chemical analytics student can achieve a lot. Statistics, rankings and ratings of students and graduates also confirm my opinion. You are not convinced? Check it yourself - everything will become clear and transparent, just like Lodz University of Technology website!


Krzysztof Romaniuk, Poland
Chemical Analysis student

ostatnie zmiany 2021-03-24 08:44:58


Agnieszka Wierzbinska

2021-03-18 09:05:25

Due to the increase in the number of new coronavirus infections, the following restrictions will apply throughout Poland from March 20 to April 9.

They must suspend their activities:

  • hotels (exceptions include workers' hotels, as well as accommodation provided as part of business trips - the exact catalog of exceptions along with the required confirmation of a business trip will be included in the regulation);
  • shopping malls - with the exception of, among others: grocery stores, pharmacies and drugstores, press salons, bookstores, pet stores and construction shops. In shopping malls, they will still be able to operate, among others, hairdressing salons, optics, banking, laundry services;
  • theaters, museums, art galleries (it is possible, however, to organize rehearsals and exercises, as well as online events);
  • cinemas (the ban on screening films also applies to cultural centers and centers);
  • swimming pools (except for swimming pools in entities performing medical activity and for members of the national team);
  • saunas, solariums, Turkish baths, slimming salons, casinos;
  • ski slopes;
  • fitness clubs and gyms;
  • sports facilities (they can only operate for the needs of professional sports and without the participation of the public).

Important! For safety reasons, all students in Poland - including grades 1-3 - will learn remotely. We also recommend working online throughout the country - wherever possible.


On Easter, safety first

The difficult situation related to COVID-19 requires limiting our social activity - unfortunately also during Easter. If we want to go back to pre-pandemic times, we have to be responsible. Therefore, we should consider whether during the holidays we should limit our contacts only to the immediate family, and postpone any meetings to another, more safe time. Much depends on ourselves. Let's take care of ourselves and our family.

Remember to keep your distance, disinfect your hands, wear a mask and ventilate the rooms frequently. If you have a mobile phone, ask your relatives to install the STOP COVID ProtegoSafe application, which will notify you about possible contact with an infected person.



ostatnie zmiany 2021-03-18 09:10:03


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2021-03-17 08:35:41

Nanotechnology is a real adventure, which allows you to look at the world from a different perspective. Dominik Bartosik, a second-year student, talks about his studies.

I chose Lodz University of Technology because...

I live near Lodz, and it was important for me not to leave my family home. I also wanted to combine my studies with work where I live. I got to know Lodz University of Technology long before I started my studies. I have an older brother who graduated with a degree in engineering from Lodz University of Technology. He told me about excellent lecturers and many interesting projects you could get involved in. I heard similar things from my older colleagues who chose to study at other faculties at TUL. I decided to give it a try and I think that it was the best decision I ever made. I am learning things that I am very interested in and I quickly felt comfortable at the university.

Nanotechnology ...

I got interested in nanotechnology when I learned about the possibility of obtaining two diplomas after completing my master's degree - from Lodz University of Technology and from University of Twente in the Netherlands. In my engineering studies, I learn about many aspects of chemistry, and I am particularly passionate about polymers - such as human DNA. These are huge chemical compounds, a single chain of which may consist of hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of the same small elements. These compounds are also very natural - they occur in plants in the form of cellulose or in the shells of insects as chitin. Their use has great potential in the industry. Computer case, phone screen, keyboard, etc. - These are all products created using polymers. I will take part in a project of Lodz University of Technology, in which, together with a team of students, we will work on the implementation of chitosan (a derivative of chitin) into fibers, so that these fibers will gain antibacterial properties.

Studying nanotechnology

In the next semesters, we will study chemical and general engineering subjects such as mathematics or electrical engineering. Almost every semester of study is full of laboratory classes, which I like very much because it allows me to gain practical knowledge. Of course, learning doesn't end at classes. I encourage everyone to develop their passions in student research groups, and there is no shortage of them at TUL. I am the president of the Trotyl Student Research Group. We organize knowledge competitions on chemistry, we prepare presentations of interesting chemical experiments for young people, and we meet the current situation by working on a project on the synthesis of substances with antiviral properties.

Studying in the era of a pandemic...

I can reassure those who want to start their studies from October: studying in the time of pandemic is not as difficult as it may seem. Of course, even terabytes of films will not replace direct visits to the laboratory. However, most of the practical classes are in the second and third year of study - the first year is more lecture-based and theoretical. These forms of classes are work perfectly online.


Dominik Bartosik, Poland
Nanotechnology student

ostatnie zmiany 2021-03-17 09:03:18


Agnieszka Wierzbinska

2021-03-10 12:29:13

International studies, beautiful interiors and passion in life. Milena Zavatska, a third-year student at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering from Ukraine, talks about her choice of architecture.

Poland is for me...

Poland is a picturesque and vibrant country with interesting traditions and many beautiful cities that you cannot pass by indifferently. You can see many similarities between my country and Poland, but even after many years of living here, some things in Lodz still surprise me. People here are kind and nice, I've never met anyone who would refuse to help me in my time of need.

I chose Lodz and TUL because...

I chose Lodz because a friend of mine already studied here and she highly recommended it. The possibility of going to another country for a semester under Erasmus+ and, above all, the chance to study abroad for free and to gain an international education convinced me to study at Lodz University of Technology

My first steps at TUL... 

When I came to Poland it was a big challenge for me. I didn't have any friends and I was afraid of speaking a foreign language. If I didn't understand something, the teachers tried to explain it to me again. Now I know many people, I belong to an inspiring student organization ESN-EYE, and I fully develop my interests.

I chose architecture because...

Right from the beginning I was involved in designing buildings and their interiors. My passion first led me to technical high school and after graduating I couldn't imagine a life without design. The choice was obvious for me.

In the future, I would like to...

I always thought it was amazing to be part of the process in which the whole architectural world around us is created. Studying and the ESN-EYE organisation has opened up new possibilities for me, shown me the pleasure and satisfaction of being in contact with art and allowed me to continue to grow in what is important to me. My dream is to one day see the buildings of my project erected in the streets of Lodz.

Tuition-free international studies, trips abroad and great people I work with in ESN-EYE - Lodz University of Technology is second to none.


Milena Zavatska
Architecture student

ostatnie zmiany 2021-03-10 12:33:34


Agnieszka Wierzbinska