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2022-03-30 11:46:56
International Cooperation Centre of TUL is running additional call for applications for participation in the PROM Project - International scholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff.

The call is open for 14 PhD candidates of foreign institutions to conduct a short-term scientific visits at Lodz University of Technology.

The objectives of the mobility should be closely related to the subject matter of the PhD thesis being carried out by the candidate. The 5-30 day long mobility should be conducted before March 31st 2023.

The application process is carried out accordingly to the on-going procedure, until the pool of available funds is exhausted.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, incoming mobilities may be implemented only when taking into account the restrictions imposed by the authorities of the Republic of Poland and the home country of the Candidate as well as the resulting decisions of the authorities of the sending and receiving institution.

For more information please visit the project website and contact the Project Office -, phone: (48) 42 638 38 73

The project is implemented under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, co-financed from the European Social Fund.

ostatnie zmiany 2022-03-31 07:49:01


2022-02-07 02:23:21
the first hybrid meeting of the Masters of didactics of Lodz University of Technology with the project leader, dr inż. Dorota Piotrowska, TUL Prof., Director of the ICC

We are pleased to announce the first hybrid meeting of the Masters of Didactics of the Lodz University of Technology with the project leader, dr inż. Dorota Piotrowska, TUL Prof., Director of the ICC took place at the International Cooperation Centre on February 24, 2022 in the IFE Hall.

The leading topic of the meeting was the presence of tutoring in the academic reality of TUL and its participation in a personalized approach to working with talented TUL students in later years.  Among the speakers were experienced in tutoring academic teachers of the Lodz University of Technology, who invited to join the discussion and to share good practices of all those present stationary and remotely at the meeting.

 The recording of the meeting organized on Teams and multimedia presentations of the speakers were made are available on Teams in the "Masters of Didactics" team platform, which was dedicated to all TUL Masters participating in the project from the year 2019.

We cordially invite you to the photo gallery from our meeting: link Hybrid meeting of the Masters of Didactics of TUL 24-02-2022


Yours faithfully,

Project office "Masters of didactics"

Section of International Educational Projects of the ICC of TUL








ostatnie zmiany 2022-06-17 06:15:32


Alina Wujcik

2022-01-28 08:11:39
Announcement No. 5/2022 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 26 January 2022

I hereby introduce the following rules of conduct for foreign students participating in international exchange programs in the case of suspected or confirmed infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus:

Chapter 1


§ 1

For the purposes of this Announcement, the following definitions are introduced:

1) student - foreigner - student / doctoral candidate, completing the period of studies at TUL as a participant of the international exchange program;

2) exchange program coordinator - Head of the International Cooperation Centre of Lodz University of Technology;

3) Vice-Dean for Student Affairs - Vice-Dean for Student Affairs competent for the field of study carried out by the student, participant of the international exchange program;

4) close contact with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus:

a) being in close proximity (face to face) with a sick person, less than 2 m away for more than 15 minutes,

b) direct physical contact with a person infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus, e.g. handshake,

c) direct, unprotected contact with the secretions of a person with COVID-19, e.g. touching a used handkerchief, exposure to a sick person's cough,

d) being in the same room with the person with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes, e.g. lecture room, conference room, office work room;

5) close contact person - a person who has had close contact with a person infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus within 3 days preceding the day of referral for a SARS-CoV-2 virus test in an infected person;

6) quarantine - isolation of a healthy person who was exposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection, which is imposed by authorized entities (State Sanitary Inspection);

7) isolation in home conditions - isolation of a person who has been tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, imposed by authorized entities (State Sanitary Inspection);

8) self-isolation at home - self-isolation of a person at home due to symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, as a result of an order issued by the Coordinator of the exchange program at Lodz University of Technology. Self-isolation at home takes place in the period from receiving the order issued by the Coordinator of the exchange program until the referral / registration for the SARS-CoV-2 virus test;

9) studying with the use of distance learning methods and techniques - learning with the use of methods and techniques using infrastructure and software ensuring synchronous and asynchronous interaction between students and teachers;

10) self-observation - activity consisting in self-observation of one's health condition, in terms of possible symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, by people from close contact who have not been quarantined by the sanitary services.

Chapter 2


§ 2

Student with symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection

1. A student who develops symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection should immediately perform the following actions:

1) immediately inform the Exchange Program Coordinator, if possible without contact (by phone and / or e-mail) about the suspected virus infection;

2) contact a general practitioner/doctor or a night/day medical service doctor within 24 hours at the latest for a telemedicine/consultation/medical visit and to obtain a referral for a SARS-CoV-2 test; current information is available at:;

3) if health permits, participate only in classes conducted using distance learning methods and techniques (absence from classes conducted during the period of the exchange programme coordinator's referral for self-isolation will be excused)

2. The coordinator of the exchange program should, in relation to the student referred to in 1 immediately do the following:

1) instruct the student to contact their GP or night/holiday doctor as soon as possible (within 24 hours at the latest) for a telehealth consultation/visit and to obtain a referral for a SARS-CoV-2 virus test; up-to-date information is available at:;

2) instruct the student to self-isolate at home and to limit contacts to a minimum (household members);

3) if the student's health condition allows it, order the student to participate only in classes conducted with the use of distance learning methods and techniques.

§ 3

Student referred for SARS-CoV-2 virus test

1. A student who has been referred for the SARS-CoV-2 virus test should immediately perform the following steps:

1) inform the Exchange Program Coordinator by phone and / or e-mail that you have been referred for a SARS-CoV-2 virus test;

2) provide the Coordinator of the exchange program at Lodz University of Technology with information about people from close contact at Lodz University of Technology, with whom he had contact during the 3 days preceding the day of commissioning the test;

3) perform a test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus;

4) stay at home until the test result is received (in the period from the test referral to the test result, the student is quarantined by the sanitary services);

5) if the state of health allows, participate only in classes conducted with the use of distance education methods and techniques (the student's absence during the classes during quarantine will be excused).

2. The coordinator of the exchange program should, in relation to the student referred to in 1 immediately do the following:

1) if the student's health condition allows, order the student to participate only in classes conducted with the use of distance learning methods and techniques;

2) establish, in consultation with the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, a list of employees/students/doctoral candidates of Lodz University of Technology who are persons in close contact with the student (the list should include names, surnames, contact telephone numbers of the persons indicated);

3) all students, members of a student's/deans's group, and employees of the University who had classes together with the student referred to in 1, in the period of 3 days preceding the symptoms characteristic of infection with SARS-CoV-2 in the case of the student referred to, shall be treated as close contact persons and taken into account when establishing the list referred to in 2 (2).

§ 4

Student with positive test for SARS-CoV-2 virus

1. A student who has tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus should:

1) immediately inform the Exchange Program Coordinator by phone and / or e-mail;

2) follow the recommendations of doctors and sanitary services;

3) if the state of health allows, while in isolation at home, participate in remote classes for the period specified in 3 (3), while in the case of extending the period of isolation at home, participate only in classes conducted with the use of distance education methods and techniques (the absence of a student / doctoral candidate during classes conducted during isolation at home will be excused).

2. The coordinator of the exchange program should, in relation to the student referred to in 1 immediately do the following:

1) provide information about a positive test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus in a student / doctoral candidate referred to in section 1, to the Crisis Management Centre of Lodz University of Technology at the address and to the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs appropriate for the study program carried out by an infected student;

2) at the written request of the Crisis Management Centre of Lodz University of Technology, provide the list of contact persons with the infected person to the address

3. The Vice-Dean for Student Affairs should, in relation to the student referred to in 1 immediately do the following:

1) notify the immediate superiors at Lodz University of Technology of the persons included in the list referred to in § 3 (2)(2), that they had close contact with a person who tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus and should follow the guidelines set out in Announcement No. 1/2022 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology;

2) decide that the classes of the student / dean group, in which, during the 3 days preceding the referral for the SARS-CoV-2 virus test, a person with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 virus infection participated will be conducted only remotely (online) for the period specified in 3 (3) (regardless of the fact whether they were originally planned as stationary or remote). Classes are to be carried out on the dates provided for in the current weekly timetable. In cases where it is not possible to conduct classes using distance learning techniques, appropriate modifications to the timetable should be made by postponing these classes to the period after the deadline specified in 3 (3);

3) instruct staff who teach classes for dean's/students group referred to in 3 (2) to immediately and temporarily change the mode of teaching for the group to a distance/online mode of teaching using distance learning methods and techniques. Changing the mode of classes is valid for a period of 10 calendar days from the date of issuing the instruction.

§ 5

Student with a negative test for SARS-CoV-2 virus

1. A student who tested negative for the SARS-CoV-2 virus should:

1) immediately inform the Exchange Program Coordinator by phone and / or e-mail;

2) resume studying under the current rules.

2. The exchange program coordinator should give the student referred to in 1 an instruction to return to his/her studies under the currently applicable rules.

Chapter 3


§ 6

Students - people from close contact - Procedures

1. If the person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is another student of Lodz University of Technology, Student - close contact person with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus:

1) conducts self-observation, and in the event of the appearance of symptoms characteristic of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, informs the Exchange Program Coordinator about them and follows the procedure described in § 2;

2) is in quarantine, if it has been imposed by sanitary services (State Sanitary Inspection);

3) participates in remote classes for the period specified in § 4 (3)(3).

2. If the person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not another student of Lodz University of Technology, the Student - a close contact person with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus:

1) conducts self-observation, and in the event of the appearance of symptoms characteristic of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, informs the Exchange Program Coordinator about them and follows the procedure described in § 2;

2) is in quarantine, if it has been imposed by sanitary services (State Sanitary Inspection);

3) participates in stationary classes, while, when quarantine has been imposed on them, participates only in didactic classes conducted with the use of distance learning methods and techniques (the student's / doctoral candidate’s absence during the classes carried out on the premisses of the university during the quarantine will be excused).

§ 7

Procedure for the Exchange Program Coordinator in the case of students - close contacts

1. If the person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is another student of Lodz University of Technology, the Exchange program coordinator should:

1) immediately inform the student - a person from close contact, about the obligation to conduct self-observation, and in the event of symptoms characteristic of infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus, about the need to immediately inform about this fact;

2) in the case of reporting information about the symptoms characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection in case of a student - close contact person, order the student to follow the procedure described in § 2;

3) order the student - a close contact person to participate in remote classes in the period specified in § 4 (3)(3).

2. If the person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not another student of Lodz University of Technology, the Exchange program coordinator should:

1) immediately inform the student - a person from close contact, about the obligation to conduct self-observation, and in the event of symptoms characteristic of infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus, about the need to immediately inform about this fact;

2) in the case of reporting information about the symptoms characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection in case of a student - close contact person, order the student to follow the procedure described in § 2;

3) order the student - a person from close contact, to continue participation in classes, and if the student has been quarantined, order the student to participate only in classes conducted using distance learning methods and techniques (the student's absence during class activities during quarantine will be excused).

Chapter 4


§ 8

In other circumstances, not covered in this announcement, related to the suspicion of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 infection, in particular with regard to the organization of teaching activities and work of the employees of Lodz University of Technology, the rules set out in the Announcement No. 1/2022 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology apply.

§ 9

The Announcement comes into force on January 26, 2022.

ostatnie zmiany 2022-02-20 09:14:34


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2022-01-27 08:44:36
Announcement No. 4/2022 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 25 January 2022 

Announcement No. 4/2022 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 25 January 2022 issued on the basis of the Ordinance No. 21/2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 9 March 2020 on specific measures related to the prevention, counteraction and combat of COVID-19 at Lodz University of Technology

Due to the worsening of the epidemic situation resulting in disruptions in the organisation of credits, final course tests and examinations I am introducing the following rules for the organisation of the verification of learning outcomes and the settlement and assessment of learning progress in the winter semester of the academic year 2021/2022.

§ 1

1. The verification of the achievement of learning outcomes in the winter semester of the academic year 2021/2022 is carried out in accordance with the Study Rules at TUL and the Regulations for Doctoral Studies at TUL, the binding schedule of the winter semester and the determined schedules of credits, final course tests and examinations.

2. In the period 28 February 2022 – 20 March 2022, additionally, those semester credits, final course tests and examinations that could not be conducted onsite during the winter examination session due to the referral of teachers, student/doctoral groups or individual students/doctoral students to remote work/classes as a result of SARS-CoV-2 infection shall be conducted.

3. Academic staff in charge of final course tests or examinations should prepare, in the period from 28 February 2022 - 20 March 2022, supplementary dates for final course exams and examinations intended for those students/doctoral students who, as a consequence of being sent to quarantine or isolation under home conditions by the State Sanitary Inspectorate, were not able to participate in final course tests or examinations conducted on an onsite basis.

4. The dates of the supplementary final course tests or examinations scheduled for the period 28 February 2022 - 20 March 2022 must take into account the schedule for the summer semester of the academic year 2021/2022, in particular, final course tests or examinations conducted in onsite or distance mode, respectively, may be scheduled on days planned in accordance with the weekly timetable specified in the Announcement No. 2/2022 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 13 January 2022 for the given student groups as onsite or distance learning days, respectively. The dates of the supplementary final course tests or examinations are set and communicated to the students or doctoral students concerned by course instructors in charge of final course tests or examinations at least 3 days in advance.

5. The total number of final course tests or examinations dates organised during the winter examination session and during the period 28 February 2022 - 20 March 2022 may not be less than that provided for in the TUL Study Rules and should be adapted to the size of the groups and the technical possibilities for organisation of final course tests or examinations The number of credit and exam attempts available to students will remain in accordance with the number specified in the Study Rules.

6. Verification of the achievement of learning outcomes in the winter semester during the winter examination session and in the period 28 February 2022 - 20 March 2022 takes place in the scopes, forms, modes and on the basis of the rules for determining the result and grades specified in the course syllabi. This means that, as a rule, credits, final course tests or examinations scheduled as onsite are taken in onsite mode, and credits, final course tests or examinations scheduled as remote are taken in remote mode.

7. It is possible to change the planned onsite mode of credits, final course tests or examinations into a remote mode, while retaining the same scope, forms, duration and rules for determining the result and grade. A decision on the above change is made by the course leader with the consent of the students/doctoral students concerned. In the absence of such consent, the original, onsite form of the credits, final course tests or examinations must be retained.

8. During the winter examination session and in the period 28 February 2022 - 20 March 2022 in the event that a member of the diploma examination board or a diploma student is referred to quarantine or isolation under home conditions by the State Sanitary Inspectorate, the Dean for Student Affairs decides to change the date of the diploma examination and informs the student at least 7 days in advance about the new date of the examination.

9. At the request of the student concerned, it is possible to conduct the examination on the original date remotely using distance learning methods and techniques. The decision in this matter shall be taken by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs. The diploma examination conducted remotely is organised in accordance with the rules laid down in the Announcement of the Vice-Rector for Education on the rules of organising diploma examinations using distance methods and techniques of 29 June 2020.

§ 2

1. Settlement and assessment of academic progress in the winter semester of the academic year 2021/2022 shall take place in accordance with the Study Rules at TUL.

2. The academic year schedule for 2021/2022 shall remain unchanged.

3. Obligatory dates and deadlines in the winter semester of the academic year 2021/2022 will be changed.

4. The obligatory dates and deadlines binding at Lodz University of Technology in the winter semester of the academic year 2021/2022 are set forth in the appendix hereto.

§ 3

The Announcement shall enter into force on 25 January 2022.




ostatnie zmiany 2022-02-20 09:15:03


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2022-01-17 08:42:38
Announcement No. 2/2022 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 13 January 2022 

Announcement No. 2/2022 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 13 January 2022 issued on the basis of Regulation No. 21/2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of March 9, 2020 on specific measures related to with prevention, counteraction and combating COVID-19 at Lodz University of Technology

I introduce the following rules for the organization of classes for all forms and levels of education at Lodz University of Technology in the summer semester of the academic year 2021/2022.

§ 1

In the summer semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, classes at Lodz University of Technology for all forms and levels of education will be carried out in a mixed manner, i.e. both through direct contact with teachers at the University, and with the use of distance learning methods and tools.

§ 2

The mode of conducting classes for the appropriate forms of studies and forms of classes in first and second cycle studies will be subject to the following rules:

1.    Classes at full-time studies:

1)    in direct mode, subject to point 3, on the premises of the University there are:

a)    all lectures for groups of students up to 30 people. It is allowed to exceed this limit in the case of a Dean's group of more than 30 people being enrolled in the classes,

b)    all training workshops and project classes, seminars, language classes, physical education classes conducted in groups of up to 30 people. It is allowed to exceed this limit in the case of a Dean's group of more than 30 people being enrolled in the classes,

c)    all laboratory classes,

d)    competence tests,

e)    diploma exams;

2)    the other, not listed in point 1, classes are conducted remotely, with the use of distance learning methods and tools in a synchronous manner;

3)    classes carried out in accordance with the study program in the E-learning mode are conducted in accordance with this mode;

4)    the verification of learning outcomes takes place in the same mode as the mode of conducting a given form of classes, unless this mode has been specified otherwise in the course sheet or in the information formulated and provided to students by the teachers at the beginning of the classes in accordance with the requirements set out in § 14 (2) of the Study Rules at Lodz University of Technology on the conditions for conducting tests for obtaining learning outcomes;

5)    the division into class groups should be made in accordance with the provisions of § 59 (1) of the Work Regulations at Lodz University of Technology (Ordinance No. 45/2019 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of September 16, 2019 on the introduction of work regulations at Lodz University of Technology).

2.    Classes at part-time studies:

1)    in direct mode, subject to point 3, on the premises of the University there are:

a)    all lectures for groups of students up to 30 people. It is allowed to exceed this limit in the case of a Dean's group of more than 30 people being enrolled in the classes,

b)    all training workshop and project classes, seminars, language classes, conducted in groups of up to 30 people. It is allowed to exceed this limit in the case of a Dean's group of more than 30 people being enrolled in the classes,

c)    all laboratory classes,

d)    competence tests,

e)    diploma exams;

2)    the other, not listed in point 1, classes are conducted remotely, with the use of distance learning methods and tools in a synchronous manner;

3)    classes carried out in accordance with the study program in the E-learning mode are conducted in accordance with this mode;

4)    the verification of learning outcomes takes place in the same mode as the mode of conducting a given form of classes, unless this mode has been specified otherwise in the course sheet or in the information formulated and provided to students by the teachers at the beginning of the classes in accordance with the requirements set out in § 14 (2) of the Study Rules at Lodz University of Technology on the conditions for conducting tests for obtaining learning outcomes;

5)    the division into class groups should be made in accordance with the provisions of § 59 (1) of the Work Regulations at Lodz University of Technology (Ordinance No. 45/2019 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of September 16, 2019 on the introduction of work regulations at Lodz University of Technology).

§ 3

The organization of classes and, accordingly, weekly timetables for the appropriate forms, for all first and second cycle studies will be subject to the following rules:

1.    Classes at full-time studies:

1)    remote and face-to-face classes at the University will be conducted according to the following weekly schedules:

a)    in the first year of first-cycle studies, classes in all fields of study provided by relevant organizational units according to the table:


b)    in the higher years of all fields of study provided by all organizational units according to the table:


2)    to optimize the use of time and local resources and for organizational reasons, it is allowed to change the mode of organizing classes on certain days for specific groups of students, provided that the principle of not combining both modes on a given day of the week for the same group of students is respected. The decision is made in each case by the Dean responsible for the implementation of a given study program. In the case of study programs that include subjects taught by organizational units other than the leading faculty for the study program, decisions on the organization of classes are made by the Dean in consultation with the heads of the units involved in these subjects.

2.    Classes at part-time studies:

1)    remote and direct contact classes at the University are conducted according to the semester schedule of sessions:


2)    to optimize the use of time and local resources and for organizational reasons, it is allowed to change the mode of organization of classes on certain days of convention for specific groups of students, provided that the principle of not combining both modes on a given day of convention for the same group of students is respected. The decision is made in each case by the Dean responsible for the implementation of a given study program. In the case of study programs that include subjects taught by organizational units other than the leading faculty for the study program, decisions on the organization of classes are made by the Dean in consultation with the heads of the units involved in these subjects.

§ 4

The method of conducting classes at doctoral studies and at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology will be subject to the following rules:

1)    in direct mode, subject to 5, the following classes are run on the premises of the University:

a)    all forms of classes for groups of participants up to 30 people,

b)    all forms of verification of learning outcomes, unless this mode is specified otherwise in the course syllabus or in the information formulated and provided to students by the teachers at the beginning of the classes;

2)    the other, not listed in point 1, classes are conducted remotely, with the use of distance learning methods and tools in a synchronous manner;

3)    classes, regardless of their form, carried out in accordance with the study program in the E-learning mode are conducted in accordance with this mode;

4)    the organization of classes should take into account the principle of not combining the remote mode and the mode of classes at the University on a given day for the same group of doctoral students;

5)    in special cases, it is allowed to apply to the Head of IDS for permission to conduct classes with the use of distance learning methods and techniques.

§ 5

The mode of teaching at postgraduate studies and other forms of education will be subject to the following rules:

1)    in direct mode, subject to 6, the following classes are run on the premises of the University:

a)    all lectures for groups of participants of up to 30 people. In special cases, with the consent of the head of postgraduate studies / course / training, this limit may be exceeded,

b)    all exercises and project classes, seminars conducted in groups of up to 30 people; in special cases, with the consent of the head of postgraduate studies / course / training, this limit may be exceeded,

c)    all laboratory classes;

2)    the other, not listed in 1, classes are conducted remotely, with the use of distance learning methods and tools in a synchronous manner;

3)    classes, regardless of their form, carried out in accordance with the study program in the E-learning mode are conducted in accordance with this mode;

4)    verification of learning outcomes is carried out in the same mode as the mode of conducting a given form of classes, unless this mode has been specified otherwise in the course syllabus or in the information formulated and provided to participants of a given form of education by the teachers at the beginning of the classes;

5)    the manner classes are organized should take into account the principle of not combining the remote mode and the mode of classes at the University on a given day for the same group of participants;

6)    in special cases, it is allowed to apply to the head of postgraduate studies / course / training for permission to conduct classes with the use of distance learning methods and techniques.

§ 6

1.    Classes conducted at the University must be organized in accordance with the applicable decisions, recommendations and guidelines of the State Sanitary Inspection and other relevant state administration entities, as well as the orders and announcements of the authorities of Lodz University of Technology.

2.    The Dean is responsible for the observance of the rules of conducting classes and ensuring sanitary conditions specified in § 2-§ 5.

3.    The dean referred to in this Announcement should also be understood as the head of the college for study programs run at the college, Head of the International Cooperation Centre of Lodz University of Technology for study programs run at the International Faculty of Engineering Education, head of doctoral studies, Head of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology, Head of the Language Centre of Lodz University of Technology, Head of the Sports Centre of Lodz University of Technology, Director of the Centre for Mathematics and Physics Education, Head of the Centre for Papermaking and Printing at Lodz University of Technology, head of postgraduate studies and course or training manager.

§ 7

During the semester, we reserve the right to make changes to the rules for the implementation of the classes specified in § 2-§ 5 in the event that state authorities introduce certain restrictions on the functioning of universities caused by a change in the epidemic situation.

§ 8

The Announcement comes into force on January 13, 2022, with effect from February 28, 2022.


ostatnie zmiany 2022-02-20 09:15:35


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2022-01-17 08:37:35
Announcement No. 1/2022 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of January 10, 2022

Announcement No. 1/2022 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of January 10, 2022 issued on the basis of Ordinance No. 21/2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of March 9, 2020, on specific measures related to prevention, counteraction and combating COVID-19 at Lodz University of Technology

I introduce the following rules of conduct applicable to employees, students and doctoral candidates of Lodz University of Technology in the event of a suspected and a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 virus infection:

Chapter 1


§ 1

For the purposes of this Announcement, the following definitions are introduced:

1)    immediate superior - in the case of an employee - Rector / Dean / Director / Head of an organizational unit of Lodz University of Technology, while in the case of a student / doctoral student - the appropriate Deputy Dean for student affairs;

2)    Vice-Dean for Student Affairs - Vice-Dean for student affairs, college Head for college students, Head of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology for doctoral students of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Lodz University of Technology, and Head of doctoral studies for participants in doctoral studies;

3)    close contact with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus:

a)    being in close proximity (face to face) with a sick person, less than 2 m away for more than 15 minutes,

b)    direct physical contact with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, e.g. a handshake,

c)    direct contact without protective measures with the secretions of a person infected with COVID-19, e.g. touching a used tissue, exposure to coughing of a sick person,

d)    staying in the same room as a person infected with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes, e.g. in a lecture hall, conference room, office room;

4)    close contact person - a person who had close contact with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus during the 3 days preceding the day of ordering a test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the infected person;

5)    quarantine - isolation of a healthy person who was exposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection, which is imposed by authorized entities (State Sanitary Inspectorate);

6)    isolation at home - isolation of a person who has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, imposed by authorized entities (State Sanitary Inspectorate);

7)    self-isolation at home - self-isolation of a person at home, due to symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, as a result of an order issued by the immediate superior. Self-isolation at home takes place in the period from receiving the order issued by the immediate superior until the referral / registration for a SARS-CoV-2 virus test;

8)    remote work - performing work specified in the employment contract outside the place of its permanent performance, e.g. at home;

9)    learning with the use of distance learning methods and techniques - learning with the use of methods and techniques using infrastructure and software ensuring synchronous and asynchronous interaction between students and teachers;

10)  self-observation - activity consisting in self-observation of one's health condition, in terms of possible symptoms of a SARS-CoV-2 infection, by people from close contact who have not been quarantined by the sanitary services.

Chapter 2


§ 2

An employee with symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection

1.    An employee who develops symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection should immediately perform the following actions:

1)    inform the immediate superior, if possible without contact (by phone and / or e-mail), about the suspected virus infection;

2)    no later than within 24 hours, contact your primary care physician to arrange and undergo a medical consultation / visit and / or register for a SARS-CoV-2 virus test via the portal:

2.    The immediate superior of the employee should immediately perform the following actions:

1)    instruct the employee to contact a doctor as soon as possible (no later than within 24 hours) in order to arrange and undergo a medical consultation / visit, and / or self-register for a SARS-CoV-2 virus test via the portal:;

2)    order the employee to self-isolate at home and to reduce contact with others to a minimum (household members);

3)    order the employee to perform work remotely, if the employee's health condition and the nature of the work performed by them allow it.

3.    An employee referred to self-isolation at home is entitled to full remuneration in the period from the onset of symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection to the time of referral for the test.

§ 3

An employee referred for a test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

1.    An employee referred for a test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus should immediately perform the following actions:

1)  inform the immediate superior by phone and / or e-mail about the ordered SARS-CoV-2 virus test;

2)  provide the immediate superior with information on close contact people from Lodz University of Technology that they had contact with during the 3 days preceding the day of ordering the test;

3)  perform a test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus;

4)  stay at home until the test result is received (in the period from being referred for the test until the test result is received, the employee is quarantined by the sanitary services);

5)  may apply to the immediate superior for consent to perform remote work.

2.    The immediate superior of the employee should immediately:

1)  order the employee to work remotely, if the employee has applied for it and if the employee's health condition and the nature of the work performed by them allow it;

2)  establish a list of employees / students / doctoral students of Lodz University of Technology who are close contact people for the employee (the list should include names, surnames and contact telephone numbers of the indicated people).

3.    An employee referred for a SARS-CoV-2 virus test, in the period from being referred for the test to the receipt of the test result, is entitled to remuneration under the rules for payment of sickness benefits, and in the case of performing remote work in that period, the employee is entitled to full remuneration.

§ 4

An employee who has tested positive for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

1.    An employee who has tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus should:

1)  immediately inform their immediate superior by phone and / or e-mail;

2)  follow the recommendations of doctors and sanitary services;

3)  If the health condition and the nature of work allow it, while being in isolation at home, they may perform work remotely upon their request and with the consent of the immediate superior (then, during the period of remote work, the employee is entitled to full remuneration).

2.    An employee referred for isolation at home by sanitary services, whose health condition or the nature of work excludes the possibility of remote work, is entitled to remuneration under the rules of payment of sickness benefits during the period of isolation at home.

3.    The employee's immediate superior should perform the following actions:

1)  immediately provide information on the positive test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, obtained for the employee referred to in paragraph 1, to the Crisis Management Centre of  Lodz University of Technology, onto the following email address:;

2)  upon a written request of the Crisis Management Centre of Lodz University of Technology, submit the list referred to in § 3 (2)(2) of this Announcement to: ;

3)  immediately notify the immediate superiors of the people included in the list referred to in § 3 (2)(2) of this Announcement that they had close contact with a person who has tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus and should follow guidelines set out in Chapter 5 of this Announcement;

4)  issue a decision on performing work remotely in the period of isolation in home conditions, if the employee has submitted such an application;

5)  within 3 working days from the moment the employee returns to work, provide information on how the employee performed work during the quarantine and isolation at home to the Analysis and Accounts Section of Lodz University of Technology, to the email address: (the information is transferred by sending a completed form annexed to this Announcement). The information should not be provided if the employee did not work during the full period of the quarantine and isolation at home.

§ 5

An employee who has tested negative for the SARS-CoV-2 virus

1.    An employee who has tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 should:

1)  immediately inform their immediate superior by phone and / or e-mail;

2)  return to work according to the currently applicable rules.

2.    The immediate superior of the employee should, within 3 days from the moment the employee returns to work, provide information on how the employee performed work during the quarantine period (from the day of issuing the referral to perform the SARS-CoV-2 test until receiving the result of the test) to the Analysis and Accounts Section, onto the email address: (the information is transferred by sending a completed form annexed to this Announcement). The information should not be provided if the employee did not perform work during the full quarantine period.

§ 6

Employees assigned to work remotely are obliged to prepare a daily report on their activities in accordance with the scope of duties resulting from the position held, and to send it to their immediate superior via the university e-mail.

§ 7

An employee as a close contact person

1.    A person in close contact with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus should immediately perform the actions specified in § 19 1) of this Announcement.

2.    The immediate superior of a person in close contact with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus should immediately perform the actions specified in § 20 (1) of this Announcement.

Chapter 3


§ 8

An employee with symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection

1.    An employee who develops symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection should immediately perform the following actions:

1)  inform the immediate superior, if possible without contact (by phone and / or e-mail), about the suspected virus infection;

2)  contact his/her general practitioner within 24 hours at the latest to arrange and attend a medical consultation/visit and/or register for a SARS-CoV-2 test through the portal: / gov / save-for-coronavirus-test.

2.    The immediate superior of the employee should immediately perform the following actions:

1)  order the employee to self-isolate at home and contact a doctor as soon as possible (no later than 24 hours) in order to arrange and undergo a consultation / medical visit and / or self-registration for a SARS-CoV-2 virus test via the portal: https : //;

2)  order the employee to self-isolate at home and to minimize contact (household members);

3)  order the employee to work remotely during self-isolation at home only if:

a)    the health of the employee allows it;

b)    the nature of the work performed by the employee allows it;

c)    during the period of self-isolation at home, the employee, according to the current plan, was to conduct teaching activities based solely on conducting classes with the use of distance learning methods and techniques and / and scientific activity can be carried out remotely on those days.

3.    In the event of failure to meet the conditions set out in 2 (3), and therefore the employee's inability to work remotely during self-isolation at home, the employee is obliged to make up for the planned classes on other dates.

4.    An employee referred to self-isolation at home is entitled to full remuneration in the period from the onset of symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection to the time of referral for the test.

§ 9

An employee referred for a test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

1.    An employee referred for a test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus should immediately perform the following actions:

1)  inform the immediate superior by phone and / or e-mail about the ordered SARS-CoV-2 virus test;

2)  provide the immediate superior with information on close contact people from Lodz University of Technology that they had contact with during the 3 days preceding the day of ordering the test;

3)  perform a test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus;

4)  stay at home until the test result is received (in the period from being referred for the test until the test result is received, the employee is quarantined by the sanitary services).

2.    An employee may request the immediate superior to consent to provide remote work during a quarantine period only if:

1)    their state of health allows it;

2)    the nature of the work performed by them allows it;

3)    on the days referred to in the employee's request to work remotely, according to the current plan, the employee was to carry out teaching activities based solely on teaching using distance learning methods and techniques and/or the scientific activity can be carried out remotely on those days.

3.    An employee placed in quarantine by the health services who is unable to perform remote work during that period due to failure to comply with any of the conditions set out in 2 is entitled to remuneration resulting from the rules of payment of sickness benefits.

4.    The immediate superior of the employee should immediately:

1)  order the employee to work remotely if the employee requested it (remote work application) and only after meeting the conditions specified in 2;

2)  establish a list of employees / students / doctoral candidates of Lodz University of Technology who are close contact persons for the employee (the list should contain names, surnames, contact telephone numbers of the indicated persons).

5.    An employee referred for a SARS-CoV-2 virus test during the period from the time of referral to the test until receipt of the test result shall be entitled to remuneration in accordance with the rules for the payment of sickness benefits, and if remote work is performed during this period, the employee shall be entitled to full remuneration.

§ 10

An employee who has tested positive for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

1.    An employee who has tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus should:

1)  immediately inform their immediate superior by phone and / or e-mail;

2)  follow the recommendations of doctors and sanitary services.

2.    An employee may apply to the immediate superior for consent to provide remote work during the period of isolation at home only if:

1)    their state of health allows it;

2)    the nature of the work performed by them allows it;

3)    on the days referred to in the employee's request to work remotely, according to the current plan, the employee was to carry out teaching activities based solely on teaching using distance learning methods and techniques and/or the scientific activity can be carried out remotely on those days.

3.    An employee, referred to home isolation by the sanitary services, who cannot perform remote work during this period due to failure to meet any of the conditions set out in 2 shall be entitled to remuneration under the rules for the payment of sickness benefits.

4.    The employee's immediate superior should perform the following actions:

1)  immediately report an employee's positive SARS-CoV-2 test result to Lodz University of Technology Crisis Management Centre at the following address;

2)  at the written request of the Crisis Management Centre of Lodz University of Technology, submit to the address the list referred to in § 9 (4)(2) of this Announcement;

3)  immediately notify the immediate superiors of the persons included in the list referred to in § 9 (4)(2) of this Announcement, that they had close contact with a person who tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus and should follow the guidelines set out in Chapter 5 of this Announcement;

4)  order the employee to work remotely if the employee requested it (remote work application) and only after meeting the conditions specified in 2;

5)  within 3 working days of the employee's return to work, provide information on the employee's work during the quarantine and home isolation period to the Accounting Services at (the information is provided by sending the completed form attached to this announcement). Information should not be provided if the employee did not work during the full period of quarantine and isolation at home.

§ 11

An employee who has tested negative for the SARS-CoV-2 virus

1.    An employee who has tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 should:

1)  immediately inform their immediate superior by phone and / or e-mail;

2)  return to work according to the currently applicable rules.

2.    The employee's immediate superior should, within 3 working days of the employee's return to work, provide information on the employee's work during the quarantine period (from the date of the SARS-CoV-2 test referral until receipt of the test result) to the Accounting Services at (the information is transferred by sending the completed form attached to this announcement). The information should not be provided if the employee was not working during the full quarantine period.

§ 12

Rules on remote working for academic teachers

1.    Remote work during self-isolation in a home environment is possible on the instruction of the immediate superior.

2.    Remote work during quarantine and isolation at home is possible only at the employee's request and with the consent of the immediate superior. The employee is obliged to attach to the application the current schedule of classes during the period of quarantine / isolation at home and a proposal for the implementation of this plan.

3.    Remote work is possible only on the day when the teaching activity of the employee applying for remote work is based solely on conducting classes with the use of distance learning methods and techniques and / and it is possible to conduct scientific activities remotely on that day.

4.    During the employee's self-isolation at home, quarantine and home isolation, the immediate superior cannot give consent or issue an order to perform work:

1)    in a mixed manner (i.e. stationary and remote on one day);

2)    remotely in a situation where at least one class conducted by the employee was planned that day as stationary.

5.    In the case of remote work during self-isolation at home, quarantine, isolation in home conditions, the employee receives full remuneration.

6.    Employees assigned to work remotely are obliged to prepare a daily report on their teaching, scientific and organizational activities in accordance with the scope of duties resulting from the Work Regulations at Lodz University of Technology and send it to their immediate superior via the university e-mail.

§ 13

An employee as a close contact person

1.    A close contact person with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus should immediately perform the activities specified in § 19 (2) of this Announcement.

2.    The immediate superior of a close contact person with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus should immediately perform the activities specified in § 20 (2) of the announcement.

Chapter 4


§ 14

Student / doctoral candidate with symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection

1.    A student / doctoral candidate with symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection should immediately perform the following steps:

1)  inform the immediate superior, if possible without contact (by phone and / or e-mail), about the suspected virus infection;

2)  contact a doctor within 24 hours at the latest to arrange and attend a medical consultation/visit and/or register for a SARS-CoV-2 test through the portal: / sign-up-for-coronavirus-test;

3)  if the state of health allows it, participate only in classes conducted with the use of methods and techniques of distance learning (absence from classes conducted during the period of referral by the immediate superior for self-isolation will be excused);

2.    The immediate superior of the student / doctoral candidate should immediately perform the following activities:

1)  instruct the student / doctoral candidate to contact a doctor as soon as possible (no later than 24 hours) in order to arrange and undergo a consultation / medical visit and / or self-registration for the SARS-CoV-2 virus test via the portal: https: //;

2)  instruct the student to self-isolate at home and to limit contacts to a minimum (household members);

3)  if the health condition of the student / doctoral candidate allows it, order the student / doctoral candidate to participate only in classes conducted with the use of distance learning methods and techniques.

§ 15

Student/doctoral candidate referred for SARS-CoV-2 test

1.    A student / doctoral candidate who has been referred for the SARS-CoV-2 virus test should immediately perform the following steps:

1)  inform the immediate superior by phone and / or e-mail about the ordered SARS-CoV-2 virus test;

2)  provide the immediate superior with information about people from close contact at Lodz University of Technology, with whom he had contact during the 3 days preceding the day of ordering the test;

3)  perform a test for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus;

4)  stay at home until the test result is received (in the period from the test referral to the test result, the student / doctoral candidate is quarantined by the sanitary services);

5)  if the state of health allows, participate only in classes conducted with the use of distance education methods and techniques (absence of a student / doctoral candidate during classes during quarantine will be excused).

2.    The immediate supervisor of the student / doctoral student should:

1)  if the health condition of the student / doctoral candidate allows it, order the student / doctoral candidate to participate only in classes conducted with the use of distance learning methods and techniques;

2)  establish a list of employees / students / doctoral candidates from Lodz University of Technology who are close contact persons for the student / doctoral candidate (the list should contain names, surnames, contact telephone numbers of the indicated persons);

3)  all students/doctoral candidates belonging to a student/dean group and University employees taking classes together with the student/doctoral candidate, in the period of 3 days preceding the occurrence of symptoms characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the student/doctoral candidate, shall be treated as persons in close contact and taken into account when establishing the list referred to in 2.

§ 16

Student / doctoral candidate with positive result of the SARS-CoV-2 virus test

1.    A student / doctoral candidate who has tested positive for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus should:

1)  immediately inform their immediate superior by phone and / or e-mail;

2)  follow the recommendations of doctors and sanitary services;

3)  if the state of health allows it, while in isolation at home, participate in remote classes for the period specified in 2 (5), while in the case of extending the period of isolation at home, participate only in classes conducted with the use of distance learning methods and techniques (the absence of a student / doctoral candidate during classes conducted during isolation at home will be excused).

2.    The immediate superior of the student / doctoral candidate should perform the following activities:

1)  immediately provide information about the positive result of the SARS-CoV-2 virus test of the student / doctoral candidate to the Crisis Management Centre of Lodz University of Technology at the address;

2)  at the written request of the Crisis Management Centre of Lodz University of Technology, submit to the address the list referred to in § 15 (2) (2)of this Announcement;

3)  immediately notify the immediate superiors of the persons included in the list referred to in § 15 (2)(2) of this announcement, that they had close contact with a person who tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus and should follow the guidelines set out in Chapter 5 of this announcement;

4)  decide that the classes of the student/dean group, in which, during the 3 days preceding the referral for the SARS-CoV-2 virus test, a person with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 virus infection participated in the class will be for the period specified in section 2(5) conducted only remotely (regardless of the fact whether they were originally planned as stationary or remote classes). Classes are to be carried out on the dates provided for in the current weekly timetable. In cases where it is not possible to conduct classes using distance learning techniques, appropriate modifications to the timetable should be made by postponing of these classes to the period after the deadline specified in section 2(5);

5)  issue to the employees running the dean/student group referred to in section 2(4), classes in the stationary mode an order for an immediate, temporary change of the stationary mode of conducting all classes of the indicated group to the remote mode, with the use of distance learning methods and techniques. Changing the mode of classes is valid for a period of 10 calendar days from the date of issuing the order.

§ 17

Student / PhD student with negative result of the SARS-CoV-2 virus test

1.    A student / doctoral student who has obtained a negative result of the SARS-CoV-2 virus test should:

1)  immediately inform their immediate superior about this fact by phone and / or e-mail;

2)  go back to classes in line with the currently applicable rules.

2.    The immediate supervisor of the student / doctoral student should order the student / doctoral student to return to classes on the basis of the currently applicable rules.

§ 18

Student / PhD student as a close contact person

1.    A person in close contact with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus should immediately perform the activities specified in § 19(3) and (4) of this Announcement.

2.    The immediate superior of a person with close contact with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus should immediately perform the activities specified in § 20 (3) and (4) of this Announcement.

Chapter 5


§ 19

A person who is in close contact with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus

1.    A close contact person - an employee who is not an academic teacher:

1)    immediately informs the immediate superior about close contact with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including a person who is not an employee / student / doctoral student at Lodz University of Technology;

2)    conducts self-observation, and in the event of the appearance of symptoms characteristic of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, informs an immediate superior about them and follows the procedure described in § 2 of this Announcement;

3)    is in a quarantine imposed by sanitary services (State Sanitary Inspection);

4)    may apply to the immediate superior for the possibility of remote work during the quarantine imposed by the sanitary services;

5)    if the sanitary services do not impose quarantine on the person from close contact, then he or she performs work in a manner consistent with the order issued by the immediate superior;

6)    in the case of quarantine and not working during this time, he / she receives remuneration resulting from the rules of payment of sickness benefits, and in the case of benefits during the quarantine of remote work, he / she receives full remuneration.

2.    A close contact person - academic teacher:

1)    immediately informs the immediate superior about close contact with a person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including a person who is not an employee / student / doctoral student at Lodz University of Technology;

2)    conducts self-observation, and in the event of the appearance of symptoms characteristic of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, informs an immediate superior about them and follows the procedure described in § 8 of this Announcement

3)    is in a quarantine imposed by sanitary services (State Sanitary Inspection);

4)    may apply to the immediate superior for consent to provide remote work during the quarantine period only if:

a)    the nature of the work performed allows it,

b)    on the days referred to in the employee's application for remote work, according to the current timetable, he/she was to provide teaching services based solely on conducting classes with the use of distance learning methods and techniques, and research can be carried out remotely on those days,

c)    he / she will attach to the application the current timetable of classes assigned to be carried out during the quarantine period, with an indication of scheduled remote and stationary classes, and then indicate the days on which the implementation of remote classes in accordance with this timetable is possible during the quarantine period;

5)    the employee referred to in 2 directed to quarantine by sanitary services, who cannot provide remote work during this period due to non-fulfilment of any of the conditions specified in 2(4), is entitled to remuneration resulting from the rules of payment of sickness benefits;

6)    if the sanitary services do not impose quarantine on the person from close contact, then he or she performs work in a manner consistent with the order issued by the immediate superior;

7)    in the case of quarantine and not working during this time, he / she receives remuneration resulting from the rules of payment of sickness benefits, and in the case of benefits during the quarantine of remote work, he / she receives full remuneration.

3.    A close contact person - student / doctoral student (procedure in the case when the person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is another student / doctoral student of Lodz University of Technology):

1)    conducts self-observation, and in the event of the appearance of symptoms characteristic of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, informs an immediate superior about them and follows the procedure described in § 14 of this Announcement

2)    is in quarantine, if it has been imposed by sanitary services (State Sanitary Inspection);

3)    participates in remote classes for the time specified in § 16(2)(5).

4.    A close contact person - student / doctoral student (procedure if the person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not another student / doctoral student of Lodz University of Technology):

1)    conducts self-observation, and in the event of the appearance of symptoms characteristic of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, informs an immediate superior about them and follows the procedure described in § 14 of this Announcement

2)    is in quarantine, if it has been imposed by sanitary services (State Sanitary Inspection);

3)    participates in stationary classes, while, when quarantine has been imposed on him/her, participates only in didactic classes conducted with the use of distance learning methods and techniques (the student's / PhD student's absence during the classes carried out stationary during the quarantine will be excused).

§ 20

Immediate supervisor of a close contact person

1.    Immediate supervisor of an employee who is not an academic teacher should:

1)    immediately inform the person in close contact about the obligation to conduct self-observation, and in the event of the appearance of symptoms characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, to immediately inform about this fact;

2)    in the event of reporting information about the appearance of symptoms characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a close contact person, issue an order to proceed in accordance with the procedure described in § 2 of this Announcement;

3)    issue an order regarding the method of performing work (stationary work, remote work) if the sanitary service has not imposed quarantine on the person from close contact;

4)    if the person from a close contact is in quarantine, within 3 days of the employee's return to work, provide information on how the employee performed work during the quarantine period to the Accounting Services at the address ( the transfer of information is made by sending a completed form constituting an attachment to this Announcement). The information should not be provided if the employee was not working during the full quarantine period.

2.    The immediate superior of an academic teacher should:

1)    immediately inform the person in close contact about the obligation to conduct self-observation, and in the event of the appearance of symptoms characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, to immediately inform about this fact;

2)    in the case of reporting information about the appearance of symptoms characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a close contact person, issue an order to proceed in accordance with the procedure described in § 8 of this Announcement;

3)    in the event that the sanitary service has not imposed quarantine on the person from close contact, issue an order to perform work according to the currently applicable rules;

4)    if the person from a close contact is in quarantine, within 3 days of the employee's return to work, provide information on how the employee performed work during the quarantine period to the Accounting Services at the address ( the transfer of information is made by sending a completed form constituting an attachment to this Announcement). The information should not be provided if the employee was not working during the full quarantine period.

3.    The immediate supervisor of a student / doctoral student (applies if the person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not another student / doctoral student at Lodz University of Technology) should:

1)    immediately inform the person in close contact about the obligation to conduct self-observation, and in the event of the appearance of symptoms characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, to immediately inform about this fact;

2)    in the case of reporting information about the appearance of symptoms characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a close contact person, issue an order to proceed in accordance with the procedure described in § 14 of this Announcement;

c)    issue an order to participate in stationary classes, and if the student / doctoral student has been quarantined, issue an order to participate only in classes conducted with the use of distance learning methods and techniques (the student's / doctoral student's absence during classroom activities during quarantine will be excused).

4.    Immediate supervisor of a student / doctoral student (applies in the case when the person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is another student or doctoral student at Lodz University of Technology), should:

1)    immediately inform the person in close contact about the obligation to conduct self-observation, and in the event of the appearance of symptoms characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, to immediately inform about this fact;

2)    in the case of reporting information about the appearance of symptoms characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 infection in a close contact person, issue an order to proceed in accordance with the procedure described in § 14 of this Announcement;

3)    issue an order to participate in remote classes within the time specified in § 16(2)(5).

Chapter 6


§ 21

The rules of conduct set out in this Announcement regarding participants of international exchange are subject to separate regulations.

§ 22

The regulations on the information procedure applicable to employees, students and doctoral students of Lodz University of Technology in relation to the prevention, counteraction and combating of the SARS-CoV-2 virus contained in the Rector's Announcements of Lodz University of Technology are repealed: No. 5/2021 of September 10, 2021, No. 8/2021 of October 27, 2021 and No. 9/2021 of October 28, 2021.

§ 23

The Announcement comes into force on January 10, 2022.

ostatnie zmiany 2022-02-21 07:53:21


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2021-12-07 02:50:16
On December 7, 2021, the Government of the Republic of Poland announced changes in the restrictions regarding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

New limits of people

From December 15, the limits of people will be tightened:

  • collective transport - max. 75 percent occupancy
  • restaurants, bars and hotels - max. 30 percent occupancy by unvaccinated persons (increase of the limit possible only for vaccinated persons verified by the entrepreneur using the COVID-19 certificate)
  • cinemas, theaters, sports and religious facilities - max. 30 percent occupancy by unvaccinated persons (increase of the limit possible only for vaccinated and verified persons with the COVID-19 certificate)

Additionally, it will be forbidden to eat and drink in cinemas during screenings.

Remote learning

  • From December 20, 2021 to January 9, 2022, all primary and secondary school students will learn remotely.
  • Nurseries and kindergartens will continue to function unchanged.

Closed clubs and discos

Clubs, discos and other places open to dancing will be closed from December 15 until further notice. The exception will be New Year's Eve (31.12-1.01). On this night, events can take place in a strict sanitary regime - max. 100 people (the limit does not apply to people who have the COVID-19 certificate).

Compulsory testing for coronavirus

From December 15, each person before arriving to Poland from outside the Schengen area will have to test for COVID-19. The test should be performed no earlier than 24 hours before departure. Importantly, vaccination does not release you from testing.

From December 15, the mandatory test will also apply to people who live with someone infected with COVID-19. Again, vaccination will not release you from testing.

ostatnie zmiany 2022-02-21 07:52:58


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2021-11-30 11:59:54
Please get acquainted with the letter of His Magnificency, Rector of TUL.

Dear all, employees, students and doctoral students of Lodz University of Technology

I have repeatedly expressed my wishes and, at the same time, my hidden desire to return to normal work, face-to-face education and to at least try to forget about the coronavirus threat as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the current situation does not make it possible to fulfil these wishes in full. The virus is still very aggressive, mutating and taking more lives.

I would like to remind you that in accordance with the sanitary regulations in force in the country and at the university, which establish certain restrictions, orders and prohibitions in connection with the pandemic state, in the buildings of Lodz University of Technology there is an obligation to cover your mouth and nose with a mask at all times. This obligation applies to the University employees as well as all students and doctoral students. I am sorry to note that recently, despite a serious deterioration of the epidemic situation, this obligation is not strictly observed by all members of our academic community.

I would like to point out that failure to perform this duty and to comply with the orders is a violation of the Work Regulations and Study Rules of Lodz University of Technology.

I am determined to maintain the direct, face-to-face mode of education and research as the most effective and natural way of functioning of the university. Therefore, I appeal to you to behave responsibly and rationally, so that when working on the premises of the University you minimise the risks and keep in mind your safety and the safety of other members of our community. I would like to ask all employees of Lodz University of Technology to set a good example to their colleagues, students and doctoral students by their behaviour and compliance with the sanitary safety rules in force, as well as to react actively to cases of violation of the rules, which constitute our common safety.

I recommend that employees and students of our University undergo protective vaccination against COVID-19, and that vaccinated persons receive a booster dose of the vaccine. I would like to remind you that the vaccinations can be done in the PoliClinic Medical Centre of Lodz University of Technology Foundation, located on the premises of our University.

I am convinced that acting in the spirit of joint responsibility and maintaining safety, we will be able to continue our work and study in an optimal, direct way on the premises of the University.



Wishing you good health,

Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, DSc, PhD, MSc,


Lodz University of Technology


ostatnie zmiany 2022-02-21 08:30:06


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2021-11-18 11:36:21
We would like to encourage you to seize the unique opportunity of individual work with a tutor. TUL staff trained in prestigious European universities in the second and third edition of the project "Masters of Didactics".


Masters of Didactics will cooperate with students of our University interested in broadening their knowledge, implementation of an additional, interesting project. Students can receive individual tutoring support until the end of December 2022.

Short-term tutoring for one semester is an offer addressed to first- and second-cycle students who are interested in participating in free-of-charge individual or small-group tutoring sessions lasting about 6 months. Personalized tutoring allows for individualized work with both outstanding students and those struggling with learning difficulties. In this type of classes, individual experiences and personal skills of the student and the teacher are taken into account. Classes run with the tutoring method develop the academic, social and personal competences of each participant. Students can take advantage of this form of support after accepting an application sent on a project form to a selected tutor. The list of available tutors and the application form can be found on www.



The project office is located in the International Cooperation Centre, building A-16, floor I, office 110. You can contact us by phone: 42 638 38 75 or by e-mail:

Project Leader, dr inż. Dorota Piotrowska, TUL Prof., Director of the ICC


ostatnie zmiany 2022-02-20 09:22:25


Alina Wujcik

2021-10-14 07:48:35
Announcement No. 7/2021 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of 7 October 2021 issued on the basis of Ordinance No. 21/2020 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology of March 9, 2020

Accommodation rules in student halls of residence at Lodz University of Technology in the academic year 2021/2022

1. Accommodation procedures:

1) a student who has been given a place in a hall of residence is obliged to check in on the date indicated in the announcement of the Head of the Residential Campus of Lodz University of Technology on accommodation in student halls of residence in the academic year 2021/2022;

2) persons who cannot check in on the required date should notify the administrative staff of the student halls of residence by phone or e-mail. Contacts to individual halls of residence can be found on the website of Lodz University of Technology at:;

3) students who apply for accommodation enter the hall of residence in which they have been allocated a place one by one;

4) only a person entitled to accommodation may enter the premises;

5) people waiting for accommodation may stay only outside the building of the hall of residence and are obliged to keep a minimum distance of 1.5 m between those waiting and to cover their mouth and nose with masks;

6) all persons entering the halls of residence are obliged to cover their mouths and nose and disinfect their hands, as well as follow the rules applicable to the residents of halls of residence during the COVID-19 epidemic;

7) in order to efficiently carry out the accommodation process, the student should prepare previously completed forms: questionnaire and statements, which are available on the TUL Student Self-Government website at:;

8) the student should become familiar with the current Rules and Regulations of Student Halls of Residence at TUL Campus and the rules concerning the prevention of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. By signing the relevant declarations, the student undertakes to strictly comply with them. The student uses his own writing instruments;

9) Only people who:

a) do not have health complaints characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 infection (fever, cough, dyspnoea),

b) during the last 14 days, they had no contact with a person who was confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 or with a person in quarantine,

c) are not in quarantine;

10) the person with the symptoms is not involved in the accommodation process and should immediately contact the GP. The person who finds out about the symptoms should notify the 

administration of the hall of residence in which the place has been granted in order to arrange an individual, later date of accommodation;

11) the administration may refuse to accommodate a person with symptoms.

2. Rules of using student halls of residence of Lodz University of Technology:

1) students are accommodated in single and double rooms;

2) residents are required to cover their mouth and nose with protective masks in all common parts of student hall of residence, maintain a social distance of at least 1.5 m and each time they enter the hand disinfection building with disinfectant liquid from contactless dispensers at the entrances to the buildings;

3) there are restrictions on the number of people who can stay in common areas at the same time, such as kitchens and kitchenettes, laundries, drying rooms and restrictions on the use of an elevator. Information on the permissible number of people in a given room will be placed in a visible place at the entrance to the room, e.g. on the entrance door and inside the room;

4) residents may use public spaces, such as: gyms, billiard rooms, fitness rooms, club rooms, recreation rooms, study rooms, drawing rooms, TV rooms, provided that the sanitary regime is respected. Staying in the above-mentioned rooms will be possible only after prior written notification of such intention to the Residents Council of a given Hall of Residence, which keeps a register of their use;

5) in halls of residence there is information on the necessity to strictly observe certain rules concerning hygiene during coughing and sneezing, hand hygiene, avoiding touching the mouth and nose with hands, and absolutely avoiding close contact with persons with respiratory symptoms. Students are required to familiarize themselves with the above-mentioned information;

6) parties and assemblies, as well as the reception of guests who are not residents of the student halls of residence, are prohibited on the Campus.

7) regular disinfection of common areas, surfaces such as handrails, buttons, lifts etc. is carried out in the student halls of residence;

8) if the nature of the case does not require personal contact with administration employees, students are recommended to contact them by phone or e-mail. Students are required to cover their mouths and noses when in personal contact with staff in the student halls of residence.

3. Rules of conduct in the event of a suspected infection of a student resident:

1) if the student notices disturbing symptoms (fever above 38oC, cough, shortness of breath and trouble with breathing, muscle pain and general fatigue, loss of taste and smell), the student should immediately notify the dormitory administration by phone or e-mail and contact a GP;

2) from the moment of noticing the symptoms of infection, the student is obliged to stay in his room and not leave it until he receives instructions from the primary care physician;

3) in the event of symptoms of acute respiratory infection, the student should take far-reaching precautions when leaving the room, cover his mouth and nose with a mask, do not touch generally accessible surfaces in the building. The room where the person suspected of being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus stayed is out of operation until it is disinfected;

4) in the case of a referral by the relevant services for quarantine, the student should inform the administration of the student hall of residence about this fact and, taking all possible precautions, leave the dormitory and go to the place of permanent residence or place for quarantine.

4. The Announcement shall enter into force on 7 October 2021, with effect from 1 October 2021.

ostatnie zmiany 2021-10-14 07:50:25


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz