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2021-10-04 11:54:17
Lodz University of Technology received another grant from the Ministry of Education and Science. We will carry out a project involving conducting personalized classes for talented and outstanding students of TUL.

Students participating in the project will be tutored for up to three semesters. Their mentors will be experienced teachers who have developed their competences in the previous editions of the "Masters of didactics" program. Recruitment for personalized long-term tutoring will start at the beginning of the winter semester of the 2021/22 academic year.

The aim of the project is to implement a tutoring program into the university practice. It serves to raise the competences of the academic staff, which will allow for targeted support of particularly talented students.


ostatnie zmiany 2022-02-20 09:23:49


Alina Wujcik

2021-07-07 12:28:37

Secrets of paper and the latest printing technologies. Student Dawid Jaskuła talks about studying Paper and Printing Technology.

I chose Paper and Printing Technology because ...

...while still at secondary technical school I decided to go to work. I ended up in a company producing greeting cards, where I had the opportunity to learn the basics of printing and visit a few friendly companies. While working there, I realized that this was the industry I wanted to work in. When choosing a course of study, I did not even consider another choice. It had to be printing. I admit that I was a bit scared by the unknown papermaking, but during my studies, when I started to learn about paper production, I realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. During my studies, I realised that papermaking was probably meant to be, because as a child I used to ask myself why toilet paper was soft when it was made from trees, which are very hard.

Studying Paper and Printing Technology...

... gives you a very broad spectrum of knowledge. A student has to deal with mechanics and chemistry, is not afraid of biology and physics, and even has to deal with geography to know on which areas coniferous forests and deciduous ones grow. Of course, you can't be an expert in everything, which is why there are two specialisations to choose from after the third semester. One focuses on paper and printing technology and the other on the construction and operation of machines used in these industries.

It is worth studying Paper and Printing Technology because ....

... these are very forward-looking, modern industries and there is a shortage of specialists in them, which means that there are no problems with finding a job after this major. This is a course where there is something for everyone. There is almost a family atmosphere in the classes, which makes you want to go to university. Paper and Printing Technology is a unique discipline that allows the teachers to have close contact with industry. The knowledge taught in the classes is therefore supported by practice.

In my free time ...

... I deal with my passion - papermaking. I am serious. Paper is a very interesting raw material, it can surprise you with its strength, but all it takes is water and it becomes useless. When I am not thinking about modern paper machine constructions or new applications for paper, I like to watch films, visit new places and spend time with friends. Studying Paper and Printing Technology gives you enough free time to do what you like.

What I value most about my field of study is ...

... the cross-sectional nature of the knowledge taught. I am a person who constantly asks myself how the world around me works. Thanks to the fact that the major is cross-disciplinary I can learn the basics of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics. It is not a huge level of knowledge, but it is enough to cope with life and understand the world a little bit so that in the future you will be able to explain to your child why the sky is blue and grass is green.

After graduation ...

... I plan to work as a technologist or open my own business in the paper or printing industry. In the future, I would also like to invent a unique paper product that will change people's lives. As you can see, I have many plans, but thanks to the fact that the studies in paper and printing are conducted with great attention to the practical knowledge of students, I know that no matter what position I will have, I will be able to make at least a small contribution to building the paper or printing industry.



ostatnie zmiany 2021-07-07 12:32:36


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2021-06-30 08:34:26

Biomedical Engineering is a field of study that allows you to satisfy a wide range of interests, including those that do not fit into a single field of science. Ewelina Pilatowicz, a second-year student of biomedical engineering at the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Control Engineering at TUL, talks about her studies in this field.

I chose biomedical engineering because...

I have always been fascinated by the secrets of the human body, however I did not see myself at medical universities. I was definitely more interested in combining medical and technological knowledge, which can support treatment processes by introducing new solutions used in diagnostics and therapy. When I found out that I had the opportunity to study in English at Lodz University of Technology, I did not hesitate for a moment.

What is studying biomedical engineering like?

I won't lie that it is easy. The amount of knowledge we gain during our studies is huge. This translates into a lot of work, but over time, when a lot of things start to come together and form a whole, you can feel immense satisfaction. Studying at the International Faculty of Engineering is also a great opportunity to practice collaborative skills. Thanks to courses such as Problem Based Learning, we have the opportunity to test and develop our own qualities that will be useful later in our careers.

What I like most about my degree is...

...the interdisciplinarity. I have always been a person of many interests and I have finally found a place where I can develop all of them. In the course of our studies, we acquire knowledge in the fields of electronics and computer science, among others. This diversity of our competences increases our position on the labour market. Apart from daily English practice, we have the opportunity to choose to study an additional foreign language. As I am planning to go on an Erasmus programme to Spain, learning this language from the first year will make it easier for me to benefit from this stay.

 Biomedical Engineering should be chosen by someone who… above all curious about the world. The knowledge gained in this major opens up many avenues. It is also an ideal choice for those who do not have a precise idea for their future, but want to do something interesting, useful for people, and also guaranteeing a job. As far as the future is concerned, studying at IFE prepares you very well to continue your education abroad, which I am considering.


Ewelina Pilatowicz, Poland
Biomedical Engineering student

ostatnie zmiany 2021-06-30 08:41:35


Agnieszka Wierzbinska

2021-06-16 11:48:43

Our first year student Ramiz Naghiyev has come to Lodz from Baku, Azerbaijan. Why has he chosen Lodz? What's his favorite Polish dish? What were his expectations from TUL? The answers to these and many other questions you'll find below.


How do you like Poland?

I like Poland a lot as I have a family ties to this country. My Great Grandma was from Lodz, and it made me happy to study here. Poland is one of my favourite European countries. Also, the cuisine is one of the best in my opinion – the food is delicious for example: Pierogi. I would like to add that the history of Poland is quite interesting as well and you can find a lot of castles throughout the country. The nature is completely outstanding! As there are abundance of forests and beautiful Mountains.

Why did you decide to cover so many kilometres to begin studies at TUL?

To be honest one of the reasons why I chose TUL were the rankings. TUL is one of the highest ranked Universities in Poland. For a long time, I had the idea of studying in Poland after I graduate from High School as I had family ties here. The other factors that drew me to this university was the fact that there were fields of study conducted in English language. I was very lucky to find the faculty that I wanted in the University catalogue. Before I have applied to TUL I attended a meeting where there were many advertisements of universities and the information about the campus life and quality of studies at TUL caught my eye. Also, the fact that Poland was not that far away made me choose this country.

What were your first impressions when you started your studies at TUL?

My first impressions were great. The first thing I did after coming to Lodz was to go and check out our university campus. When I started my studies, I met many great people that are my friends now. And the university staff is helpful and understanding, they have always answered all of my questions regarding the studies. My expectations were high before I came to TUL, and this university has exceeded my them.

 Why did you choose exactly this field of study?

Since my childhood I always had an interest in technology and since early age I started working on PCs and Laptops with my uncle. I had a dream of opening my own Software Company. It’s quite obvious for everyone that this field of study is quite hard, and it takes a lot of time and courage to understand everything but it’s worth every sleepless night. One of the most important steps was to get accepted to Computer Science. I am sure that with the help of TUL I will achieve my goals.

What kind of job would you like to get in the future?

I would like to have a job that is closely related to either Data or Software Engineering. Currently I am having classes that are related to Software and Data and it makes me much more interested in these fields.


Ramiz Naghiyev, Azerbaijan

Computer Science student


ostatnie zmiany 2021-08-25 09:34:46


2021-06-09 03:58:17

Modelling and Data Science combines issues from many areas of computer science. Student Piotr Skrobski tells us about his experiences of studying in English, which last year was a novelty offered by Lodz University of Technology.

I’ve chosen Modelling and Data Science because…

... I have been interested in computer science since I was a child. At first, I wanted to go for "regular" computer science. I even had the application ready to be sent out when, while browsing through the list of fields of study, I noticed something new. After looking at the curriculum, I decided that Modelling and Data Science would be my dream field. It combines many issues such as programming, physics, and high-level mathematics.

Modelling and Data Science is a new field of study that started last year. What is the first year like?

Although first-year curriculum contained quite predictable courses, such as introduction to programming, physics and mathematics, they were not boring. For example, in the introduction to programming we did not learn dry theory, but we did a lot of interesting projects, such as implementing a game in a graphical environment or simulating the development of a pandemic.

Modelling and Data Science is a field entirely taught in English at IFE. What opportunities does it open up for students?

This field places greater emphasis on projects, including those carried out in collaboration with foreign centres. For example, we will be carrying out an inter-departmental project within the modules during the second year. This year we’ve had an introduction to PBL, project-based learning. Within this course, we’ve learnt effective methods of group work, as well as information retrieval based on scientific articles.

Of course, this is only the beginning. Furthermore, the curriculum contains courses such as computer simulations, quantum computing, machine learning or artificial intelligence. We will see technologies that still sound like science fiction to many!

In your free time...

Studying Modelling and Data Science leaves a lot of free time to indulge your passions. I participate in meetings of the student research group where we create computer games and computer graphics. I appreciate it very much, because not only do I do something interesting, but I also consolidate the skills acquired during classes (programming, linear algebra, etc.). Of course, all study and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Even besides participating in the research group and learning modules, I also have time for my other interests, such as reading books or painting.

What I value most in my field is ...

... high level of education. The choice of courses is really interesting - it would be difficult to find another field that would combine them in such a way. There is also a good atmosphere between members of our group as well as between us and the professors.

After graduation...

I would like to work as a programmer. However, the field itself opens up many more options. In the future, one can find employment as a data analyst, data engineer or modelling specialist. However, I am optimistic and hope to find a job in a profession that does not exist yet but for which I will be well prepared after my studies.


Piotr Skrobski, Poland
Modelling and Data Science student

ostatnie zmiany 2021-06-09 04:01:39


Agnieszka Wierzbinska

2021-05-25 03:07:20

Chemical and Biochemical Engineering is among an elite group of fields of study that are strategic for the national economy. For whom are these studies the best choice? – Kamila Kwiatkowska, a student at the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering, has some suggestions for high school graduates today.


I chose Chemical and Biochemical Engineering because...

I have always been more into sciences than the humanities, and my love for biology and chemistry has been accompanied by an interest in technology. After completing the mathematics, biology and chemistry profile in high school, my choice of studies could not be any other than Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at Lodz University of Technology. This choice was additionally supported by positive opinions of my older mates about the nice atmosphere, great lecturers and positive attitude towards students, both at the Faculty itself and at the whole university.

What are chemical and biochemical engineering studies like?

Studying this field is undoubtedly hard work, but also development of your own interests. You will gain knowledge in process engineering, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, mechanics, computer science and substance separation. The knowledge we acquire is immediately put into practice thanks to numerous laboratory classes. This is where you can expect to see and carry out interesting observations under the microscope, chemical experiments on fluid movement and heat, as well as take part in inspiring projects such as designing a heat exchanger or fermentation vats filled with fermentation wort. Everything becomes possible when classes are run in such a modern building as the LabFactor, which would make many foreign universities proud.

What I like the most about my field of study is ...

its interdisciplinarity. As a person curious about the world, I feel that during my studies I gain knowledge and practical skills in many fields: chemical engineering, bioprocess and biochemical engineering, nanotechnology, biotechnology, environmental engineering, chemical technology and related technologies. These studies give me a lot of joy and satisfaction and I feel that I am using my potential properly.

Chemical and Biochemical Engineering should be chosen by someone who…

has both a passion for biology and chemistry in addition to being an engineer. It is a place for people who like sciences, who are inquisitive and organised, as well as creative. A person who wants to upgrade the processes of the modern world and face challenges by gaining knowledge in advanced and sustainable technologies for industry, the environment and the economy.  In this field of study, you can really find fulfilment, and at the same time prepare yourself to solve production and research problems in an innovative and market-oriented way.

And after graduation?

There are really many opportunities: in the area of the chemical, food, energy, medicine, microelectronics and consumer products industries. The majority of new technologies related to pharmaceutical, biotechnological, environmental, nanotechnological, biomedical sectors as well as those producing innovative materials will need graduates for their further development – this is why it belongs to the elite group of fields of study of strategic importance to the national economy. Graduates can also focus on scientific development in research and development centres or even set up their own research teams.


Kamila Kwiatkowska, Poland
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering student

ostatnie zmiany 2021-05-25 03:09:34


Agnieszka Wierzbinska

2021-05-19 10:11:35

Technologies that open many doors and make dreams come true. Kinga Kudelska, a student, talks about why it is worth studying Applied Computer Science.


It is worth studying Applied Computer Science, because... is a very future-oriented field of study. Since primary school I have been thinking about working in the IT industry. It's a field that is always up-to-date, but also very dynamically developing. Lodz University of Technology quickly implements these changes to the curriculum, so I know that after graduation I will be well prepared to work in my field.

Studying Applied Computer Science ...

...allows you to gain both broad engineering knowledge as well as specialise in your chosen field. During the first two years you study computer science in its broadest sense. By that time we can learn about different fields of computer science from computer graphics to SQL or programming in Java or C++. For me the best moment of the studies is the choice of the specialization, which takes place in the fifth semester of studies.

Computer graphics and multimedia

... is the specialization where I found myself. I discovered how to work in various branches of computer graphics. Together with other students we make 2D graphics such as posters, but we also model 3D game assets. We can also try our hand at professional film editing. It is worth remembering that graphic design offers many opportunities and my studies have helped me choose the right path for me. Additionally, I am active in the Student Government, which also allows me to develop my graphic design skills.

After graduation....

... I plan to work as a graphic designer. At the moment, I feel comfortable with modelling rooms, products in 3D and creating posters, flyers and graphics for social media. What I will do in the end, I have yet to see, everything is before me. But I know that with such preparation I will find a job that will bring me a lot of satisfaction.


Kinga Kudelska, Poland
Applied Computer Science student

ostatnie zmiany 2021-05-19 10:13:36


Agnieszka Wierzbinska

2021-05-12 08:57:04

Do you have a vivid imagination and an open mind? Advanced Design and Technology is the right choice for you. Joanna Pilas, a third-year student, talks about her field of study.  

Advanced Design and Technology is not a typical science major. It is a degree that prepares you for creative work, which involves designing the appearance of products from the very beginning - from their structure, shape and aesthetics. The engineering knowledge that we gain at university enables us to create a product from scratch along with the parameters of the material it will be made of.

I'm in my third year of Advanced Design and Technology and I'm preparing a design of a cycling outfit for women. We are working in teams on the concept of a bicycle skirt, but also shoes with the possibility of changing the sole to a heel, so that we don't have to carry an extra pair of shoes for a change. If you like to surround yourself with beautiful things, want to create products that meet the needs of different audiences, and are interested in broadly defined Design - these studies are just for you.

You will take classes in mathematics, physics and chemistry - but don't worry, the knowledge you will acquire from these subjects is not too advanced. You learn what is needed directly for design. You will learn about the design process, 2D and 3D graphics programs, technology and construction. You will need imagination, including spatial imagination, and an open mind, because creativity can be learned. You get to know graphic programmes already during your studies and learn how to use them from scratch.

Development opportunities.

During your studies you can develop your skills in a student research group SKN Designer. You will improve your artistic skills and take part in many interesting projects. We prepare exhibitions and cooperate with recognised brands - e.g. we design for the Łódź Design Festival.

The third year of studies is exceptional. The first semester is spent in a company, doing internships. The second semester is mobile - we spend it at another Polish or foreign university of our choice. We can take advantage of various national and international exchange programmes, in which everyone will find something for themselves. I chose Italy. I encourage you to make your dreams come true with Lodz University of Technology.


Joanna Pilas, Poland
Advanced Design and Technology student

ostatnie zmiany 2021-05-12 10:27:26


Agnieszka Wierzbinska

2021-05-05 06:01:32

Dear Sirs,

The International Cooperation Centre of the Technical University of Lodz invites academic teachers of the Technical University of Lodz to participate in the project "Masters of Didactics", implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science, funded by the POWER program. 59 academic teachers of the Technical University of Lodz have already joined the project for four years. The mail goal of the projects is to improve the competence of academic staff and  use tutoring  as a modern teaching method.

The project consists of training a group of academic teachers in tutoring during study visits (established remotely and stationary due to the pandemic situation with COVID-19) at selected European Universities ( University College London, University of Ghent, University of Aarhus, University of Groningen). Each trained teacher will then conduct tutoring classes for at least 3 selected students (during 1 academic semester) over a period of approximately 6 months depending on the date of completion of the foreign training.

Candidates must meet the following three criteria in total:

  • be employed for an indefinite period of time as an assistant, assistant professor, senior lecturer, associate professor,
  • have a documented knowledge of English at a level of not less than C1 (a certificate confirming knowledge of a foreign language at a given level or a certificate issued by TUL’s Language Centre after passing an on-line test),
  • have knowledge of the tutoring method; an additional advantage of an academic teacher is the experience in the modern methods of didactic.

If you would like to benefit from the verification of the level of English proficiency by TUL’s Language Centre, please contact the coordinator at the project office indicated below directly.

Please kindly send a scan of the application for participation in the project till the 12th of May 2021. Please use the attached form and send the document by mail to the coordinator of the project Mrs. Alina Wujcik (Section of International Educational Projects ). If you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask and call the(42) 6383875.


Dr. Dorota Piotrowska, TUL Professor
ICC Director



Application form for download >> 2021_Zg Ł oszenie_MD_P.docx

ostatnie zmiany 2021-05-05 06:28:35


Alina Wujcik

2021-04-29 10:45:01

The last few days are a decrease in the number of coronavirus infections in Poland. All because of our responsible behavior and the increasing number of vaccinated people. If the downward trend continues also in the coming days, it will be possible to ease further restrictions. Open shopping malls, gyms, restaurants and returning students to school - check out the preliminary schedule for May.

Open shopping malls, gyms and restaurants - provisional schedule for May

With the persistently low level of infections, it will be possible to gradually ease the restrictions according to the planned schedule. Importantly, the schedule may change depending on the current epidemic situation. Check what the plan for May looks like!



Uniform safety rules throughout the country - open hairdressing and beauty salons

Sport - practicing sport in outdoor sports facilities:

  • limit - max. 50 people

Sport - practicing sports in indoor sports facilities and swimming pools:

  • for organized groups of children and teenagers
  • max. 50 percent occupancy of the facility



Culture - open art galleries and museums:

  • limit of 1 person per 15 m2
  • operating in a strict sanitary regime

Trade - open construction and furniture stores, shopping malls

  • limit of 1 person per 15 m2
  • operating in a strict sanitary regime

Religious worship - services with a limit of people:

  • limit of 1 person per 15 m2 in temples
  • recommendation for holding ceremonies in the open air

Education - primary schools:

  • full-time education for grades 1-3 of primary school
  • strict sanitary regime - incl. airing the rooms during breaks and disinfecting facilities at weekends



Hotels - open to guests:

  • max 50 percent occupancy of the facility
  • closed restaurants and wellness & spa area



Wearing masks in the open air - waiver of the obligation:

  • If the infection rate per 100,000 people will fall below 15 - it will be possible to waive the obligation to wear masks in the open air.
  • The obligation to cover the nose and mouth with a mask in closed rooms will remain the same.

Outdoor gastronomy (in the open air) - open restaurant gardens:

  • activities in a strict sanitary regime - incl. safe distance between the tables and the limit of people per table

Culture - open-air cinemas and theaters:

  • max 50 percent occupancy
  • operating in a strict sanitary regime

Special events outside - the possibility of organizing, among others weddings and communions:

  • limit up to 25 people
  • in a strict sanitary regime - incl. a safe distance between the tables and the limit of people per table (regulations are the same as in the case of outdoor gastronomy)

Education - primary and secondary schools:

  • hybrid learning for grades 4-8 of primary schools
  • hybrid learning for grades 1-4 of secondary schools
  • strict sanitary regime: airing the rooms during breaks, disinfecting facilities at weekends

Sport - practicing sport in outdoor sports facilities:

  • max 25 percent the audience



Internal gastronomy - open restaurants:

  • max occupancy 50 percent the premises
  • activity in a strict sanitary regime - a safe distance between the tables, the limit of people per table

Occasional events inside - the possibility of organizing, among others weddings and communions:

  • limit up to 50 people
  • in a strict sanitary regime - incl. a safe distance between the tables and the limit of people per table (regulations are the same as in the case of internal gastronomy)

Culture - open cinemas and theaters:

  • max occupancy 50 percent facility
  • operating in a strict sanitary regime

Sport - practicing sports in indoor sports facilities and swimming pools:

  • facilities accessible to all
  • max occupancy up to 50 percent (with audience)

Sport - practicing sports in gyms, fitness clubs, solariums:

  • limit of 1 person per 15m2
  • operating in a strict sanitary regime

Education - primary and secondary schools:

  • full-time learning for all students
  • strict sanitary regime: airing the rooms during breaks, disinfecting facilities at weekends



ostatnie zmiany 2021-04-29 10:57:30


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz