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2024-12-05 02:39:48
The International Cooperation Center has received financial support for the next edition of the Erasmus+ KA171 project “Mobility of students and staff with third countries not associated to the Programme.”

The allocated funds of more than 315 thousand euros will enable carrying out bilateral mobilities with partner universities from nine different geographical regions. They include renowned universities from countries such as Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Montenegro, Georgia, Honduras, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Rwanda, El Salvador, the United States, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. New partners in the project include universities from Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Australia and Rwanda, among others.

Under the project, students and doctoral students can spend one semester studying or undertaking internships at the partner institution. Weekly teaching or training mobility activities are provided for academic and administrative staff. Mobilities provide an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences and develop international cooperation. The bilateral nature of the programme also makes it possible to invite renowned scholars to give lectures, deliver workshops, and training courses, which enriches the educational offer of participating institutions.


ostatnie zmiany 2024-12-05 02:42:48


Agnieszka Orłowska

2024-11-29 10:51:27
Take part in INSEEC Grande École International Week 2025 in France!

INSEEC Grande École invites academic staff to participate in the “International Week: Major shifts in contemporary organizations”, which will take place on April 7 -11, 2025. Teachers will have the opportunity to conduct classes and share their knowledge on one of the following topics: management, marketing, finance. The programme focuses on practice-oriented and project-based learning. The aim of the event is also to strengthen cooperation, promote internationalisation and gain multicultural experience.

Registration is open until January 12, 2025.

Detailed information

Application form 

In case of questions, contact the organiser via the following email address:

ostatnie zmiany 2024-11-29 10:53:43


Katarzyna Sumińska

2024-11-27 03:19:56
If you would like to develop your academic career in an international environment, don't miss the opportunity to take part in the International Summer School 2025 in Spain!

Universidade da Coruña invites academic staff to submit course proposals for the International Summer School, under the conditions described here.

Clasess should be conducted between 14th to 25th July 2025. Each course shall have a total teaching load of 42 hours divided into two weeks and will have an academic value of 6 ECTS credits. 

Proposals should be submitted by December 20th to

ostatnie zmiany 2024-11-27 03:21:26


Katarzyna Sumińska

2024-11-27 11:52:44
Take advantage of international mobility and develop your competences.




The International Cooperation Centre of TUL invites the employees of Lodz University of Technology to participate in the qualification for international mobility for teaching or training purposes. The additional call for applications for mobility within the framework of the implementation of the agreement no. 2023-1-PL01-KA131-HED-000126739 is currently underway.

We kindly remind you that application documents can be submitted until December 20, 2024 and the mobility must be completed by July 15, 2025..

Detailed rules for eligibility and implementation of staff mobility can be found on the CWM website.

ostatnie zmiany 2024-11-27 11:55:37


Małgorzata Spodenkiewicz

2024-11-22 11:39:55
We invite you to take advantage of the Fulbright Specialist 2025-26 Programme, which enables Polish institutions to establish cooperation with outstanding American scientists and specialists

The Fulbright Specialist Program is a short-term research exchange program designed to deepen and broaden cooperation between Polish institutions and American scientists and scholars.

We invite you to take advantage of the Fulbright Specialist 2025-26 Program, which enables Polish institutions to establish cooperation with outstanding American scientists and specialists and to carry out joint projects (from 2 to 6 weeks). The specialist's stay in Poland may be related to, among other things, giving lectures and workshops, participating in conferences, consulting on program work, performing evaluations and expert opinions, or developing local research projects. 

For more information on the program >>

Priority is given to projects dedicated to sharing, disseminating and implementing best practices for innovative education. The Commission also encourages Polish institutions to implement projects that aim to support Ukraine and/or refugees from Ukraine. 

Applications are being accepted until 9 January 2025

Link to the recording of the information meeting for institutions interested in participating in the program for the 2025-26 academic year >> Fulbright Specialist Program 2025-26



ostatnie zmiany 2024-11-22 12:46:02


Alina Wujcik

2024-11-22 08:25:23
Call for proposals

The European Commission has published a call for proposals for the Erasmus+ program for 2025.

Deadlines for submitting applications under selected actions aimed at higher education institutions:

  • Mobility of individuals in the field of higher education - February 19, 2025 (on behalf of TUL, applications are submitted by the International Cooperation Centre)
  • Cooperation partnerships - March 5, 2025
  • Erasmus Mundus Action - February 13, 2025
  • Alliances for Innovation - March 6, 2025
  • Capacity building in the field of Higher Education - February 6, 2025

More information on application rules and project implementation is available:

The units of TUL that plan to submit a project proposal in the Erasmus+ call, as a coordinator or partner, should:

  • notify the ICC’s International Educational Projects and Rankings Division (by email, phone or in person) - 36 Żwirki St., building A16, 1st floor, room 110, tel. (42) 638 38 73/76,
  • register the application in the Project Management Module (MZP) available on Wikamp, no less than 5 working days before the closing date of the call (in accordance with Order No. 05/2022 of the Rector of Lodz University of Technology dated January 20, 2022 on the preparation and manner of implementation at Lodz University of Technology of projects financed or co-financed from external sources)
  • provide the International Educational Projects and Rankings Division with the application documents, such as Declaration of Honour or Mandate, in order to obtain the signature of the authorities of TUL.

ostatnie zmiany 2024-11-22 08:25:23


2024-11-19 09:16:16
Are you looking for ideas for an Erasmus+ Key Action 2 project? Do you want to collaborate with researchers from other universities?

Participate in this unique online event organized by the European Consortium of Innovative Universities! It's a great opportunity to exchange ideas, build a strong project consortium, and jointly apply for funding under the upcoming 2025 call for proposals.

📅 Date: December 3, 2024 🕒 Time: 11:00-13:00 CET

Don't miss this chance! Register here.

For more information about the event, visit the website.

ostatnie zmiany 2024-11-19 09:16:16


2024-11-15 12:02:48
In November, ICC hosted the first official meeting of the ACE project - Alliance for Community Engagement in European Higher Education.

The overall goal of the project is to broaden the scope of community engagement by higher education institutions (HEIs). The project also seeks to enhance the role of universities in supporting societies across Europe and to strengthen the capacity of their staff to effectively address societal challenges. The consortium's activities will be grounded in an innovative cooperation model known as the "quadruple helix," which incorporates collaboration between academia, industry, public administration, and society, including institutions representing these sectors, such as NGOs.

The initiative unites a range of institutions with varied profiles from six countries - Lodz University of Technology (coordinator), ACEEU GmbH (Germany), University of Belgrade (Serbia), Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (Ireland), University of Tartu (Estonia), European e-Learning Institute (Denmark).

During the meeting in Lodz, key project elements were discussed, individual partners' responsibilities were outlined, and the action plan for the coming months was established. Particular focus was given to Work Package 2, which involves creating a future thinking European University Community Engagement Guide offering practical information and strategies to increase societal contribution of European HEIs. 

The ACE project is implemented under Erasmus+ Action 2 Cooperation Partnerships. The project budget is 400,000 EUR.

More information on the project.

co-funded by the EU

ostatnie zmiany 2024-11-15 12:03:36


Justyna Kopańska

2024-11-08 12:59:52
On 24-25 October, ICC hosted the first official meeting of the JUMP project - Joint University challenge-based Minor Program for future generation of innovative entrepreneurs.

The meeting was attended by 12 people representing the partner organizations: the University of Trento from Italy - the project coordinator, Lodz University of Technology, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées from France and Linköping University from Sweden.

During the meeting, special attention was devoted to the presentation of the goals of the project, the division of roles and responsibilities and the schedule of activities. 
The main objectives and expected results to be achieved through cooperation were discussed. A detailed action plan for the coming months was presented, including key phases and milestones. Partners presented their tasks and responsibilities. The principles and communication tools to be used during the project were established.

An important part of the program was a workshop on the subject of the quadruple helix and the existing dependencies and interactions between the various actors in this environment: business, science, government institutions and society. 
More information about the project is available on the CWM website.
The JUMP project is implemented within the framework of Erasmus+ Action 2 Cooperation Partnerships.

ostatnie zmiany 2024-11-08 12:59:52


Agnieszka Roganowicz

2024-10-29 03:21:27
On 29 October, the results of the European Ranking of Engineering Programs EngiRank were published. Lodz University of Technology (TUL) was ranked 96th in Europe and 6th in Poland (ex aequo with Poznan University of Technology).

The EngiRank 2024 – the Institutional Ranking included 226 universities from the 27 countries of the European Union as well as Switzerland and Norway and, as in last year's edition, the Technical University of Denmark from Denmark, Delft University of Technology from the Netherlands and KU Leuven from Belgium once again took the top spots in the ranking.

In addition to the overall ranking, “by subject” rankings were also published, taking into account the field of engineering and technology. Lodz University of Technology was ranked in all seven categories. Nationally, Lodz University of Technology was on the podium in two of these categories, taking third place in Poland in: Chemical Engineering (61st in Europe) and Mechanical Engineering (82nd in Europe). In the other categories, TUL ranked 5th in: Electrical, Electronic & Information Engineering (88th in Europe) and Materials Engineering (89th in Europe), 7th in Poland in Medical Engineering (93rd in Europe) and 8th in Poland in: Civil Engineering (94th in Europe) and Environmental Engineering (132nd in Europe).

The methodology developed for EngiRank, in addition to indicators like publications and citations also considers such factors as: collaboration with industry, joint research with business, patents, contributions to SDGs goals, participation in EU programmes (Horizon and Erasmus + European Universities) and engineering accreditations (ENAEE, ABET). The data for the ranking comes  from: Elsevier’s Scopus database, the European Patent Office PATSTAT, Horizon Europe, and organizations accrediting engineering studies (ABET, ENAEE).

The European Ranking of Engineering Programs - EngiRank 2024 was prepared by the  “Perspektywy” Educational Foundation in cooperation with the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) and Elsevier.

More information

ostatnie zmiany 2024-10-29 03:22:37


Urszula Żelazko