Przejdź do treści
2019-12-12 02:22:23

Universidade Europeia zaprasza partnerów do wzięcia udziału w International Staff Program.

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń upływa 15 grudnia 2019 r.


UNIVERSIDADE EUROPEIA; IPAM LISBOA & IPAM PORTO have the great pleasure to announce the 14th INTERNATIONAL WEEK,  9th to 13th March 2020.

As usual the 14th International Week will combine an International Staff Program and an International Lecture Program.


Each participant can choose to participate in the International Staff Program and/ or participate in the International Lecture Program.

Please note: Participation in the International Staff Program is exclusive to university partners members.


    Open the door of our University to the World
    Give  International experience to  students, teachers and staff;
    Disseminate mobility opportunities;
    Methodologies and knowledge exchange;
    Increase research.


The International Staff  Program will take place during the International Week, one day on each Campus in Lisbon (Carnide, Lispolis, Santos) and Porto.


We invite you to participate in the International Fair with several University partners participants and in 2 Staff sessions Home Universities Presentations and Mobility Best Practices Workshop.

The International Fair will take place during the International Week, one day on each Campus in Lisbon (Carnide, Lispolis, Santos) & Oporto.

Exhibitors will be provided, so we kindly ask you to send us promotional material by post mail.

You can send us promotional material to the following address:

Universidade Europeia

International Office

Estrada da Correia, 53

1500-210 Lisboa, Portugal


Faculty members and staff members from partners institutions are invited to participate in our international activities during the Fair.



Invited Professors and Lecturers from our partner universities and others, have to submit proposals for lectures or workshops.

Every participating lecturer will be assigned to a host professor at Universidade Europeia, IPAM Lisboa or IPAM Porto. We hope this will provide extra opportunities for sharing best practices and collaborating on future projects.

à It is mandatory to send Abstract and Curriculum Vitae by email;

à All the lectures must be taught in Portuguese or English;

à All the lectures should be approved by our academic board;

The International Lecture Program will take place from Tuesday to Friday. Each participant should give 4h hours of Lectures or workshops to our students, according the themes approved and schedules proposed. All the lectures are invited to participate in a research meeting.


In this edition, the theme is:  INNOVATION IN A GLOBAL WORLD


The impact of globalization is deeply affecting how innovation is managed in the educational area and on companies. This year, our international week will bring to the table subjects like: how globalization is changing dynamics in education, businesses and society and the resultant implications for innovation at different levels.

We invite you to come and share your experience and expertise in the 14th edition of our International Week, to be held in March 2020 in the cities of Lisbon and Oporto.

We welcome proposals that address issues related to, but not limited to the general theme.



Application Deadline: December 15th, 2019

Online application form:

    Abstract & Curriculum vitae (mandatory):

Application Acceptance:
We will confirm accepted proposals by email until January 15th, 2020

International Week dates: March 9th -  March 13th.

Promotional material for the International Fair to be sent by post mail until:

January 31th, 2019.


All participants are expected to finance their travel and accommodation. If your home institution is in Europe and participates in the Erasmus+ program, we strongly encourage you to apply for an Erasmus+ Teaching or Training grant at your university. All participants are advised to arrive on Sunday, March 8th.

When we send you the  registration confirmation, we will send you accommodation information and other useful information.


International Week Contact:

To find out more about Universidade Europeia and IPAM please visit: | |


ostatnie zmiany 2019-12-13 08:08:33

mobilność pracowników

Agnieszka Roganowicz