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2021-06-16 11:48:43

Our first year student Ramiz Naghiyev has come to Lodz from Baku, Azerbaijan. Why has he chosen Lodz? What's his favorite Polish dish? What were his expectations from TUL? The answers to these and many other questions you'll find below.


How do you like Poland?

I like Poland a lot as I have a family ties to this country. My Great Grandma was from Lodz, and it made me happy to study here. Poland is one of my favourite European countries. Also, the cuisine is one of the best in my opinion – the food is delicious for example: Pierogi. I would like to add that the history of Poland is quite interesting as well and you can find a lot of castles throughout the country. The nature is completely outstanding! As there are abundance of forests and beautiful Mountains.

Why did you decide to cover so many kilometres to begin studies at TUL?

To be honest one of the reasons why I chose TUL were the rankings. TUL is one of the highest ranked Universities in Poland. For a long time, I had the idea of studying in Poland after I graduate from High School as I had family ties here. The other factors that drew me to this university was the fact that there were fields of study conducted in English language. I was very lucky to find the faculty that I wanted in the University catalogue. Before I have applied to TUL I attended a meeting where there were many advertisements of universities and the information about the campus life and quality of studies at TUL caught my eye. Also, the fact that Poland was not that far away made me choose this country.

What were your first impressions when you started your studies at TUL?

My first impressions were great. The first thing I did after coming to Lodz was to go and check out our university campus. When I started my studies, I met many great people that are my friends now. And the university staff is helpful and understanding, they have always answered all of my questions regarding the studies. My expectations were high before I came to TUL, and this university has exceeded my them.

 Why did you choose exactly this field of study?

Since my childhood I always had an interest in technology and since early age I started working on PCs and Laptops with my uncle. I had a dream of opening my own Software Company. It’s quite obvious for everyone that this field of study is quite hard, and it takes a lot of time and courage to understand everything but it’s worth every sleepless night. One of the most important steps was to get accepted to Computer Science. I am sure that with the help of TUL I will achieve my goals.

What kind of job would you like to get in the future?

I would like to have a job that is closely related to either Data or Software Engineering. Currently I am having classes that are related to Software and Data and it makes me much more interested in these fields.


Ramiz Naghiyev, Azerbaijan

Computer Science student


ostatnie zmiany 2021-08-25 09:34:46
