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2024-10-29 03:21:27
On 29 October, the results of the European Ranking of Engineering Programs EngiRank were published. Lodz University of Technology (TUL) was ranked 96th in Europe and 6th in Poland (ex aequo with Poznan University of Technology).

The EngiRank 2024 – the Institutional Ranking included 226 universities from the 27 countries of the European Union as well as Switzerland and Norway and, as in last year's edition, the Technical University of Denmark from Denmark, Delft University of Technology from the Netherlands and KU Leuven from Belgium once again took the top spots in the ranking.

In addition to the overall ranking, “by subject” rankings were also published, taking into account the field of engineering and technology. Lodz University of Technology was ranked in all seven categories. Nationally, Lodz University of Technology was on the podium in two of these categories, taking third place in Poland in: Chemical Engineering (61st in Europe) and Mechanical Engineering (82nd in Europe). In the other categories, TUL ranked 5th in: Electrical, Electronic & Information Engineering (88th in Europe) and Materials Engineering (89th in Europe), 7th in Poland in Medical Engineering (93rd in Europe) and 8th in Poland in: Civil Engineering (94th in Europe) and Environmental Engineering (132nd in Europe).

The methodology developed for EngiRank, in addition to indicators like publications and citations also considers such factors as: collaboration with industry, joint research with business, patents, contributions to SDGs goals, participation in EU programmes (Horizon and Erasmus + European Universities) and engineering accreditations (ENAEE, ABET). The data for the ranking comes  from: Elsevier’s Scopus database, the European Patent Office PATSTAT, Horizon Europe, and organizations accrediting engineering studies (ABET, ENAEE).

The European Ranking of Engineering Programs - EngiRank 2024 was prepared by the  “Perspektywy” Educational Foundation in cooperation with the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) and Elsevier.

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ostatnie zmiany 2024-10-29 03:22:37

rankings and accreditations

Urszula Żelazko